The World Says They Listen. But I Am Still Not Heard.

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I don't know why I wrote this.

I had like an epiphany yesterday, and I needed to just do something about.

I was in my photography class, and we had a professional photographer come in. He taught us a lesson about portrait photography and I noticed that an iPad was recording us the entire time. So after he was done there was still like 20min of class left. We were just fooling around, but afterwards. We wanted to check the ipad to replay what happened. Everytime I saw myself on the Ipad I was like...Is that really me? Is that what I sound like? Is that what I look like? 

I wasn't happy with myself. I felt there were so many unanswered questions about myself. And I didn't know who would want to listen. I felt confused. So I just started writing. And now I feel better. I still don't know who I am. But atleast I'm not mad at myself anymore....

The World Says They Listen. But I Am Still Not Heard.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang