eleven: a step forward and eight back

Começar do início

Deena yawns, hearing what Kate said made her sad, but the pain in her stomach overlapping it made her head hurt, so she just lay her head on Sam's shoulder. "I wish they would just leave her alone," Simon adds, an idea popping into his head.

"What happened, Deena?" Sam asks her softly. She looks up at the blonde girl, seeing genuine pain in her eyes as she looks down at her. She doesn't respond, and so they go inside, sitting down on the couch. "The jocks."

"What about them?" Kate asks, handing her a glass of ice cold water. "And uh, your ex," she adds, looking at Sam.

"He never stops," Sam sighs, putting her head in her hands, "never. He's not going to give up, he wants to be with me. And he's gonna go to extents to get that. Gosh, what am I supposed to do!? I don't want him hurting anymore people like that."

Simon wipes off the blood on Deena's face with a wet rag, Sam applying bandages after. "Hey, Sam?" Kate hums, looking at the girl. "Yeah?"

"Does Briar by any chance have a blue car?"

"Um, his friend does, yeah, why?"

Kate shares glances with Simon and Deena, groans falling off all of their lips. "Briar and his friend through rocks at us, then," Simon laughs sarcastically. "Gosh, I'm gonna go kill those motherfuckers!" Kate yells.

"He's dangerous," Sam mumbles, "the closest way of you getting to him is through me. But it's... risky."

"Risky in what ways? Everything is risky here."

"He has, weapons," Sam says, the memories going right back to her head. "W-Weapons?"

"The rocks were a warning."

"A warning? Sam, what?-" Kate begins.

"He's going to try and kill you."



And as everybody looked at Deena with concerned faces, Deena just sighed heavily. It was expected for people to be shitty in Shadyside, so shitty that Deena wasn't even that worried about it. She hated how she wasn't really affected too badly by it.

"Hold on, what? How do you know this? And why Deena out of all of us? Him and his friend threw rocks at all three of us, not just Deena!"

"And you notice how Deena was got the worst injury out of all of you three?"

"Well, how do we stop him!?" Simon yells. "We can't," Sam sighs, "ever since he walked in on Deena and I at that party, he's been doing this shit. So we can keep it a secret from other people, but not the one we especially need to."

"So? What's his next attack going to be?" Kate asks. "I don't know. It's never gone this far."

"How do we stop him?"

"It won't be eas-"

Sam's cut off by the sound of pounding on the door. She walks up to it, opening the door slowly. And then there he is, fists clenched. "B-"

With a fist to the face, Sam shuts up, still trying to push the door shut. "What do you want?" she asks in a whisper, earning another punch. She whimpers.

"I better not see you with any of these freaks at the party together," he grits his teeth. "Come on, what the fuck is this shit?" Deena groans.

"Oh, look at you, needing others to come to your saving once again. They picked you out of that fucking closet?"

Deena slams the door, locking it. "You okay?" she asks Sam, but once she saw the bruise on her cheek she knew that was no. "Fuck, man, why won't he just leave us alone?" she groans as she grabs a pack of ice for Sam's bruise.

When It Rains [Sameena]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora