Chapter 8 (Final)

Start from the beginning

Generous: (Manages to free her left hoof) Help!!!!!

Sanura: (Awakes and sees her and gasps. She comes to save Generous, but Shen lifts her up) Hey princess, you have magic, right? Use it!!!!!!!

Generous: Of course, my magic!!!!! (Uses her magic to shoot Shen making her fall from the giant and drop her as well as the blue rocks)

(The giant hit the crystal with his hand breaking it before he falls to the blank)

Shen Zan: (Takes the golden statue) Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

Generous: No!!!!!!!!

Shen Zan: Too bad Zenerous. Loser!!!!!!

Generous: (Runs towards her) Now, she's gonna be immortal.

Sanura: (Stops her) Don't get any closer, just wait.

(Then some purple aura started to surround Shen)

Shen Zan: I'm full of life!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Everyone except Sanura looked horrified as a gate was opening behind Shen. Then she started to grunt and becoming skinner)

Shen Zan: What? What's happening to me?

Sanura: You may be immortal, but not as you would expect.

(Then a light started surrounding Shen as she was screaming in pain. When the light clears Shen has been transformed into a mummy cat)

Sanura: (Grabs the statue) This is the price for eternal life, Shen "Zapped".

Shen Zan: (Takes a look at herself) No, no, this can't be. Evelyn, help me.

Evelyn: Get away from me.

Sanura: Don't worry, you're still quite pretty for a mummy, really. You'll fit right in here.

Shen Zan: (Pushes her away) No, there must be an antidote to reverse this curse.

Blitz: No there isn't. This is the reason why the mummies still alive.

Colleen: Mummies can't be alive. It's a contradiction in terms.

Sanura: Oh, oh, this is great, she's got mummy issues, too. Get some therapy, people!!!!!!!!!!! Take her here.

Generous: (Approaches Shen)

Shen Zan: Don't even think about it, Zenerous.

Generous: My name is GENEROUS!!!!!!! (Grabs Shen with her magic) What are you gonna do, kill her? Pretty pointless if you think about it.

(Sanura waves her front paws and the purple fog on the gate fades revealing a room full of treasure)

Hunter: Oh my god, the treasure of the Incas.

Blitz: Yes, it is.

Shag: Oooooh.

Sanura: (To her guards) Take her to our darkest cell. She'll enjoy eternal jail.

Sanura: What? No, no. (The two guards grab her) Who do you think you're talking to? You can't do that. I'm Shen Zan. I'm the most famous archeologist in the world!!!!!!!! No, no, nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cries as the guards took her away)

Sanura: (Puts the statue back and a new crystal field surrounded it)

Generous: So, what are you planning on doing with us?

Sanura: Well, according to the manual, you should eighter become a mummy or die.

Generous: Hey, I saved your life.

Sanura: But rules are rules. If I let you go you guarantee me you'll let us live in peace?

Generous: (Takes the diamond ring with her magic) This is my most valuable treasure. A friend of mine gave it to me. Please take it. This is my promise; no one will ever find out about this place.

Sanura: (Takes the ring and gives it to a guard) Keep it safe. (Hugs Generous) You're the best living creatures I've ever met. (Cuts the hug and leaves) Well, this is goodbye. Have a good life.

Generous: You too. I mean... well, you know what I mean.

(Sanura leaves as the gate closes. When the oc's and the rovers come out it was afternoon)

Hunter: Well, done oc's, we've couldn't have done that without you.

Blitz: Although we won't say anything to anyone.

Colleen: Evelyn was right about you Generous; you really are generous.

Shag: (Barks in excitement)

Exile: And Evelyn, you've been a very good dog.

Evelyn: Thank you Exile, besides there are better treasures and the best one is being with the people you love. (Kisses Exile on his cheek)

Exile: (Blushes) Um, yeah, whatever you say.

Bong: (Chuckles in excitement)

Twistar: Generous, I think you own me something.

Generous: What? Oh, the Swiss pincher? Oh yes.... (Gives the Swiss pincher back to Twistar) It was very useful you know.

Twistar: I know right?

(Generous sees Evelyn being thoughtful)

Generous: Hey, are you ok?

Evelyn: Yeah, yeah. The lost city remains lost. By the way we found so much more.

Generous: Sorry about Shen. It's not going to be easy to find another true friend.

Evelyn: I already have.

Generous: Really? Who?

Evelyn: Generous Crystal.

Generous: (Smiles at her)

Evelyn: (Winks at her before she left)

Terence: Meow.

Generous: Yo Terence, through thick and thin, huh buddy? Here. (Gives him a cat treat which he immediately eats)

(The oc's and the road rovers climb on Thunder)

Thunder: Hold on tight, this ride is going to be really fast. (Drives really fast)

The end

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