(The guards aim their weapons at Evelyn)

Evelyn: (Gasps)

Exile: Ok, ok, you win. Leave her alone. (Walks towards the wall map) From the black peak, the puma sees the red star. In the second moon of the rains, the water's trail goes over the anaconda's skin. But don't trust the solid rock. For sometimes the alpaca's soft hair is stronger. The red star is Mars of course, the second moon of rain is April and Mars is in the northeastern quadrant during that time. There is a formation of basaltic rocks here but don't trust the solid rock. Meh, the babbling of an old shaman.

?????????????: Got it. Let's mobilize. I'll take Zan and the rovers. The Border Collie stays as collateral. If her esteemed friends doesn't cooperate, she's dead, ok?

Thunder: (Comes in front of Evelyn) You better not lay a finger on her!!!!!!!! (Then realizes the guards were watching) Sorry, sorry.

(The guards started leaving with the road rovers and Shen Zan)

Evelyn: Take care of yourself.

Shen Zan: Shen Zan on the case. Trust me, pup. (Leaves)

(Once she, the rovers and the guards left, the guard on the entrance close the door and locks it. Outside of the building the Gold hunters left to find the city)

Evelyn: If anything happens to my dog friends specially to Exile, I'll never forgive myself.

Generous: We'll get out of here, trust me.

Evelyn: "Don't trust the solid rock. For sometimes the alpaca's soft hair is stronger". Exile would never ignore something like that. What was he trying to tell me?

Generous: (Starts to take a look at the wall map)

Evelyn: Don't even think about it, Catherine.

Catherine: (Backs away from a golden disk with markings that was hanging on the wall) Hey, I was only looking at it, okay?

Generous: Guys, check this out, there's something back there.

Evelyn: Behind the wall?

Generous: This is not a wall; this is a door. Believe me I know what I am talking about.

Evelyn: That's it!!!! Don't trust the solid rock. The tablet was just the key to open it.

Generous: Help me, you guys.

(She and the oc's started to push the door. Meanwhile, outside the building, Terence found a small hole on one of the walls of the building and came in. Back inside, the oc's manage to open the door and inside they found the real map)

Evelyn: "But don't trust the solid rock. For sometimes the alpaca's soft hair is stronger". This is alpaca wool, and this is the real map to Paititi. This is what Exile was trying to say.

Thunder: So, the Gold hunters guys-

Evelyn: Are going to dig in the wrong place. Well done, my good friend.

(Then Generous hears meowing. She looks down and sees Terence)

Generous: Hay Terence, how did you get in here? Wait a minute, if you're here it means there has to be a way out.

Terence: (Meows and runs to the direction to where the entrance is)

Generous: (Follows him) Is it that way?

Catherine: Phew, finally. There's a way to get out after all. (Puts her hand on the disk and accidentally knocks it down. Then the roof started shaking and comes down slowly)

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