She rolls over again and lays on her back, still holding a hand over her heart. Tears are pouring down her cheeks in streams. "Oh my god. It hurts."

"Caleb?" I yell, looking around the club. "CALEB!"

Out of the corner of my eye I watch as a tall man quickly walks onto the stage. Caleb stomps toward Aura and I, a look of determination of his face. Without hesitation he slides an arm under Aura's head and one under her knees. He lifts her up almost effortlessly and carries her backstage, toward a room with a bed in it. He lays her down and watches as she continues to cry and clench her chest.

"Aurelie, I need you to tell me what it feels like," Caleb says, pushing the hair off of Aura's now sweating forehead. I'd never seen a ghost actually produce sweat before.

"My heart," Aura takes a deep breath. "It feels like someone az torn it apart in my chest. It's on fire."

"Close your eyes," Caleb says. Aura nods, still in pain, and closes her eyes. "What do you see?"

Aura screams again, but doesn't open her eyes.

"Aura! What do you see?" Caleb yells.

"No. No," Aura shakes her head, whimpering.

"Aura, please," I grab the hand that isn't over her heart and hold it tightly.

She takes a shaky breath in before answering. "My sister. My mother. I-I-"

"Where are they?" Caleb asks.

Aura stops sobbing and her breathing slows. The hand over her heart relaxes and so does the one squeezing my hand. Her eyes flutter open and she stares at the ceiling above her. "I don't feel it anymore."

"Damnit," Caleb mumbles, putting his hand over his face.

"I saw zem," Aura says monotonous. "Zey were in a car. Upside-down."

I squeeze her hand again instinctively. She ignores this.

"They're dead, aren't zey?" She asks, not blinking.

Caleb looks at the ground, holding his hands still in his lap. "Yes."

I look up at Caleb and back down at Aura. "What? What do you mean? How do you know that? That can't be true. That's not possib-"

"Luke," Aura cuts me off quietly, squeezing my hand back. She looks over at me, finally looking away from the ceiling. A single tear rolls down her salt stained face, "I felt zem go."

"But they'll come back. They'll be ghosts, just like us," I say, looking over at Caleb again.

"No," he says.

"But Aura," I look at her. "Your sister was so young, wasn't she?"

"My sister," she chokes. "My little sister was older than me now."

"What?" I can feel my throat getting smaller. I know if I try to say anything more I'll start crying.

"I am 17 years and 8 months old," Aura nods. "My sister was 21."

I shake my head. "But I thought-"

"Luke," Aura whispers, closing her eyes. "I've been dead for years. I felt it when my father died. And now I've lost my sister and my mother. Please," she opens her eyes again and stares at the ceiling. "Don't speak."

She drops my hand and folds her hands over her stomach. I look over at Caleb, suddenly getting angry. As much of a mess as he looks, I don't doubt him or his power. I don't doubt he had something to do with the death of Aura's family. Some sick way of punishing me for bringing her with me instead of leaving her in Paris.

I want him to pay. I want him dead, for real this time.


Hi. I'm back.

It's been sooo long. But hopefully this makes up for it. Idk probably not.

Anywho hope everybody had a good month. See y'all in December lol✌😝🤭👹🙄😳🥰🤩🤠😎🎂



Love, Dahlia // B2Where stories live. Discover now