Moody's Advice

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Heroneka didn't sleep that night. She wanted to tell Draco what had happened but she knew that Viktor would tell him everything at breakfast before she could. Fay wasn't happy to hear about Mr Crouch's sudden appearance and disappearance either. But she managed to get some sleep right next to Heroneka on her bed.

When it was finally five in the morning, Heroneka went down to the common room and wrote down a letter for Remus. She wrote about how she and Harry had heard Andrew telling Fay about his plan. They had escaped from his safety, helping Fay as well. After that, he had escaped into the Dark Forest to run away with Zagan. She mentioned the incident about Mr Crouch as well. For some reason, she felt like these two incidents were interconnected.


Heroneka looked back at the spiral staircase to the dormitories and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione walking down to her. It seemed like Hermione had dozed off in the boys' dormitory. They looked very sleepy and tired.

"Didn't you all sleep?" She asked them slowly, turning back to her letter and signing it off.

"We talked about what happened last night." Harry walked up to her. "Is that a letter?"

"I'm writing to Remus." She said folding up the letter and putting it inside an envelope. "Why?"

"We were just heading towards the Owlery." Said Harry, showing her his letter. "I wrote to Sirius. I have to send this to him."

"Oh," she mumbled.

Hermione and Ron were standing by the portrait hole, watching them quietly.

"Come with us." Harry urged. "You can't go there alone anyway."

"Alright," Heroneka got up activating her protection shield.

They left the Gryffindor Tower together. Ron and Hermione walked ahead together, talking in low voices. Harry, however, walked with Heroneka silently. Suddenly, Ron turned to look at them.

"Snitchy," he said a bit awkwardly. "Mum sent an Easter Egg for you. I have it with me. Would you like to take it?"

"Of course," she smiled softly.

Ron gave a weak smile and then trotted ahead to catch up with Hermione.

"They've been trying to find a way to talk to you," Harry told Heroneka. "They say, that they've ignored you for so long that now they can't find a way back."

Heroneka smiled. "I'm sure things will be fine, Harry. It's just... It takes time. They will talk to me again when they feel comfortable."

Harry smiled at her. Once they had reached the Owlery and sent their letters to Sirius and Remus, they began to talk about Crouch's disappearance. Heroneka had made a point that she wouldn't say a word unless it was necessary.

"It comes down to this," said Hermione, rubbing her forehead. "Either Mr Crouch attacked Viktor, or somebody else attacked both of them when Viktor wasn't looking."

"It must've been Crouch," said Ron at once. "That's why he was gone when Harry, Snitchy and Dumbledore got there. He'd done a runner."

"I don't think so," said Harry, shaking his head. "He seemed really weak - I don't reckon he was up to Disapparating or anything."

"You can't Disapparate on the Hogwarts grounds, haven't I told you enough times?" said Hermione.

"Okay... how's this for a theory," said Ron excitedly. "Krum attacked Crouch - no, wait for it - and then Stunned himself!"

"And Mr Crouch evaporated, did he?" said Hermione coldly.

"Oh yeah..."

Now they were standing looking out at the misty grounds. All four of them were puffy-eyed and pale.

Love Is In The Air: The Angelic Witch And Draco Malfoy (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now