Forty-Three - Spring Festival Interrupted

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Midoriya chuckled. "It's April 20th."

"April 20th?" Ren repeated. She glanced at Uraraka who seemed to join their conversation. "Like, the fourth month, 20th day?"

"Yep." Midoriya nodded.

Ren glanced at Uraraka again, trying to hold back a snort as she did.

"What's so funny?" Midoriya asked as he turned to Uraraka too and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry." Ren smirked to herself. "That's just hilarious."

Bakugo looked over at Ren's group much like she'd been doing to him that morning. Whenever he caught her eye, they'd smile at each other until one of them blushed too much and had to look away. You'd think they hadn't been dating for the last several months by how silly and giddy they acted sometimes.

He hummed to himself contently when Ren didn't glance over at him that time, too caught up in something Midoriya was saying to her. Bakugo glanced at the seat across where Ashido and Sero were poking Kaminari's cheeks to get him to come out of his stupor.

"Yo, bro; what's got you smilin' like that?" Kirishima asked as he swing his arm over Bakugo's shoulders.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders until his friend got the hint to back off.  "I need a favour." He muttered so that only the redhead could hear him as the other two remained distracted.

"What's up, man?" Kirishima matched his hushed tone.

"I need you to occupy these idiots today, get me a moment alone with Ren." Bakugo explained as he glanced over at her again, this time she chuckled at Midoriya. "I-I need to tell her something important."

"Ooh, what?" Kirishima's eyes rounded, widening with curiosity as he leant closer to Bakugo, who rolled his eyes.

"None of your damn business." He shoved his hand over his friend's face and pushed his head away from him with a huff. "But it's- Its important and I-"

Bakugo glanced over at Ren again, and this time she noticed him looking at her. Ren smirked softly, almost as if she could read his thought process behind his eyes, trying to work out what he was thinking. Her gaze lingered away when Uraraka asked her something, claiming her attention away from Bakugo.

"I don't want to wait anymore."


Even though nobody had left group, or his line of sight, Iida elected to conduct a headcount again as they piled out of the train. He flicked his glasses up satisfactorily when he counted all 21 of their class, including himself, noting that his job was complete now that they'd safely arrived at the festival.

"Couldn't have done it without you." Tokoyami muttered sarcastically as he adjusted his dark kimono.

"What's first on our agenda?" Ren asked Uraraka as she and Tsu steered the three of them away from their class and towards the crowded festival.

The festival was situated and either side of a cherry blossom lined river. Lanterns that would be illuminated at sunset were strung between the trees amongst colourful streamers and banners. Market stalls were cramped up on both sides of the river, sporting crafted goods, traditional clothing, plenty of food, trinkets and other merchandise.

The sweet scent of the blossoms filled the air and blended with the rich syrups of the desserts and saltiness of the fried street food. There were musicians dotted through the festival that plunked shamisen, echoing through the crowds of joyous people of all ages. Some festival goers dressed in everyday wear, some elected to go traditional with a beautiful spring kimono or yukata, and there were some women dressed in full geisha dress, complete with a delicate paper parasol.

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