Chapter 19 - Little Airplane Talk

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i borrowed my cousin's spare laptop! lol i needed to update in case i forgot where this fic was going :P

"Thanks for agreeing to look after the kids for a while Maggie. We'll come back the first opportunity we get so you won't be in a hassle for much," Meredith said by the door. 

Arizona was upstairs waving goodbye to the kids. She said that she'll borrow their mommy for a bit.

"It's no problem, if it's for you and Arizona, it will never be a hassle. Besides, your couple moments are kind of like watching my favorite romcoms." she joked. Meredith bit her lip to that.

"Oh, I guess we are going." Arizona said rushing down the stairs. The kissed Maggie goodbye on the cheek and whispered a thanks.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you guys there?" Maggie says looking over at the cab behind the couple.

Arizona chuckles, "No, it's fine. We already have your hands tied by letting you watch the kids."

"Fine. Have a safe trip. I hope Sofia will be okay." she waves them goodbye and closes the door. 

"I wonder what Callie will say when she finds out about us." Arizona murmurs.

Yet Meredith heard so she averted her gaze from the clouds through the small window and focuses on the blond beside her instead. When she laid eyes on Arizona, she realized her girlfriend was talking to herself.

She smiled inwardly, "Hey, are you okay?"

Arizona looks up tired.

"Oh- oh yea, yeah," 

Meredith sighed and reached for Arizona's hand.

"I don't mean to be all up in your business but I heard you mutter something just now. Anything you want to talk about?"

The bright blond who was not so bright since yesterday squeezed Meredith's hands.

"Mm, I was just wondering if it will be a good idea to tell Callie about us."

"Hm? I don't mind if you informed her, but I also wouldn't mind if you didn't." Meredith assured her.

But Arizona's anxiety had different plans. She began to rant, "Oh, 'cause I was thinking of what she'd think, Callie, she, if- if I... uh, introduced you as my girlfriend and what if she sees me less as Sofia's mother just because-"

"Callie doesn't have the right to do that anymore." Meredith said stern, squeezing Arizona's hand instead. 

The pressure calmed Arizona a little bit.

"And you should not worry about who knows about us and doesn't. We shouldn't care for other's approval-"

"Except for my daughter."

Surprised, Meredith smiled. 

"Except for Sofia, she's the only person I look for approval too. I hope she likes me for her mom."

Arizona smiled, "I'm sure she will."

"I guess this means we won't tell Callie," Meredith said, just making sure.

"Yet," Arizona replied.

Meredith hugged Arizona and let her head rest on Arizona's chest. 

"It's going to be okay."

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