capture 4

29 2 8

A/N the song for thif capture please listen to it

After i met jutin beber, i felt something in my stomach.

"What is this" i think to myslef cant be.....buterflys?

I hope my mafia fairy daddy hary stiles doesn't get angry at me, my small 4'3" body is so payneful.

Suddenly jutsin bber starts singing.

*********PLAY BEAUTY AND A BEAT************

Jusitne stares deep into my soal while he sings the enchanting lyrics. Tears wett my eyeorbs and stream down my face becasue he is beutiful senger.

suddnely jutine gets louder like he is building up to something

"GOTTA KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR SELENAR" he raps really fast lots of talent displaid. Omg ninkie minjaj? No its justinea! He's so talent. my tears form a puddlt at my feet beause the perfornae was so moving. As justine finished the song he walks over to me and stares lovigly into my pruple orbs.

His thums wipe away my tears and he whispers sweat words to me to comfort me. "Pretty baby gurl" he cood "so small i could squich you" suddenly his eyes turn black and he wraps a tattood hand aroudn my fore arm

His voie comes out deep and gravelly like he is possessed "LIKE I COULD SQUICH YOU" his voice booms throught the warehouse area.

I feel another hadn on my shoulder yanking me back. I turn around to look into the deep green orbs of harey. "W-w-w-w--w-why did you dd-d-d-d-do that" i stutter because my social anxiety makes me suster. Harry growls before pushing past me and LAUnching at justine.

I scream loud because the two boys i lov are suddenly on the ground punching each other. "NO- - NO - -NO PLEASE PLPPEASE" i cry out soudnng like bella swan in new moon. I love that movie it is the best luv story <33.

I move closer to them and realise they arent fighting anymore. Harry holds jusitnes hands above his head as they make out aggressivly and i can hear their mo@ns. The sight mades me h word (A/N 😏😜 same rosalia). My eyes are still wett from my tears and its not the only thing thats wett.

I stand in the corner of te room and watch them have secks. It is so cute there relationship is couple goals.

Suddnlie, jstien starts to growl at me. "NO DON'T LOOK" he then leaps off and makes his poopy doge eeys "is to late now to say sorry?" even though i am hapi that hairy and justine are in lauv with eachother, i cant help butt fell sade. As i look into juntins brown orbs that change it the lite.

A/N a bit of a cliff hanger for my little babies my loevelies im not good at writing smut but i do have big plans fro rosalia 

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