Day 29

30 1 0

Sammy laying on kells

Kells wakes up

Sammy your awake  she rollls forgetting they switch different sides of the bed and falls off the bed

Kells you good

Sammy I'm fucking amazing

Kells someone's Happy

Sammy I am babe today is the day we tell the boys when were getting married

Kells I know as  he pulls her on him

Kells  I love you so much

Sammy I love you more

Dom comes up to see if there up

Dom good morning sleepy heads

Sammy good morning dumbass

Slim that's my fucking girl

Dom I feel targeted

Kells don't you know we love you

They get downstairs

Sammy who wants food

Jx me and Ness

Dom me

Slim me

Pete me

Rook me

Sammy kk

She makes lunch

Kells comes up behind her and whispers

Kells should we tell them baby girl

Sammy you can

Kells kk

Kells hey guys come in here for a minute

Guys kk

They all get to the living room.

Kells so by next week you guys think you can be ready for a wedding

Rook yes

Pete yeah

Slim yep

Sammy good

Rook wait y'all's wedding

Sammy yep

Rook fuck yeah we can be

They have a lazy day  

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