Thigh kink - Final part

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I ignored all the looks that were on me and y/n even though she looked very shy
I caressed her hand, to make her forget the fact that some people were looking at us, and I made my way to the bathroom

"Go clean yourself. I'll be downstairs waiting for you, alright?" I said to her, pushing her gently into the bathroom
"But...wait". I looked at her as she grabbed my arm and closed the door behind me
"Everybody is looking at us...Wouldn't it be better if you waited a while?"

I should have guessed she was going to say this

" should know by now that if I stay here with you things will only get worse"
"Jungkook, I'm serious"
"So do I". She gave me a serious look, trying to forget the fact that what I just said is true
"C'mon, baby, I'll be waiting for you downstairs while you're here, okay?". She sighed and nodded

"Please, don't talk about what we did in the guest room when you get back downstairs, okay?". I smirked and kissed her lips
"Okay. But I can't promise I won't do it if they start talking about it"

Before she could say anything else, I opemed the door and walked out of the bathroom, heading to the stairs. While I was heading towards it, I heard my name being called. I turned around, where the voice was coming from, discovering that the one calling me was Tae

"Hey! What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? I've been looking for you for years! Wtf were you doing?"
"Chill, I was just in the bathroom". He looked at me suspiciously until he looked to a certain spot that only one person is allowed to look at. A sly smile appeared on his face
"Ohh, Jungkookie...You did it, didn't you?". I sighed but smiled, remembering of what happened a few minutes ago

"Ohh, Jungkook!"
"Yha! Would you shut up? You're just making things worse". He just laughed
"Ahhh, fine, I stop. But now I'm serious, you should cover that up". I looked down, seeing my bulge that looked lile it didn't want to disappear
"Don't worry, I'll sove this problem". He showed his sly smile once again

Gosh, he's such a dirty minded

"Just forget this abd let's go downstairs". Without saying anything else, we made our way downstairs

"Finally! Where were you?" Jimin asked as soon as we entered the kitchen
"Didn't I tell you I was going to the bathroom?"
"And you took all this time in the bathroom? c'mom, dude, you're a bad liar"

Jin appeared, joining the conversation
"He's trying to hide somthing from us"
"We're brothers, Jungkook! You can tell us everything"

What's wrong with all of them?

"Why such curiosity?"
"Oh, I know what he has been up to". I give Tae a dead look as soon as he opened his mouth
"What is it?"
"Fine! If you wanna know what I've been doing, I tell you". They got silent, waiti g for me to tell them why I took so long upstairs

Just when I was about to talk, a little figure appeared in the kitchen, making me shut my mouth right away
"Hi~" said y/n. She stopped in the middle of the kitchen, looking at us as all eyes were on her
"What's wrong...?". I glared at her, who seemed very confused about the silence in the kitchen

Suddenly, the silence was broke by Jimin
"So, y/n...where were you?". She looked at me and bit her lips, not knowing what to say
"I...I was in the bathroom...". All eyes that were on her were now in me
"What?" I asked
"So you two were in the same bathroom...upstairs"
"How do you know they were in the same bathroom?"
"Because there's just one bathroom upstairs"
"Wuaaa, what were you both doing?"

What I wanted to do at that moment was to leave the kitchen and go elsewhere, but I decided to stay for some reason to watch teir discussion

"Guys, they must surely habe an explanation for this"
"Okay, so let's hear it". They stopped and looked at us once again, waiting for our explanation

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