chap one pre doctors visit

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If none it's exposition
[] thoughts
() Speak
<> Narrator
(Sussy baka) yelling and all-might
???  Spooky foreshadowing

Inko pov

Izuku had always been a talkive kid he all ways asked questions (MOM do you think Santa has a slow ageing quirk mutter mutter Wait he probably has heat resistant aswell  Mom) Inko puts her cooking utensils down (yes izuku) she was happy to get her son to be talking about something not doctor visit related. Tthe Bakugos had gone a month ago and Mitsuki had gone on and on for multiple hours about how she was worried on how her and her husband's quirk would mix. Thankfully it wasn't bad but now I brought into question izu's quirk. It would be minor telakinis plus fire breath hopefully inko thought he might get pyrokanis or telicanetic breath (how the f*$k do you spell teli tele leti          (༎ຶ‿༎ຶ) pls someone put it in the comments I need the spelling fire fighters) how would that work. Inkos thoughts wanders to  hisatshi was trying to work more cus he might end up part of the Tokyo new hero Branch.  he's working himself to a early grave Yet he was still calling us he had done the math on our secduals  so he new that the two of us would be both free at 5ish he knew how smart izu was so he had added a hour gap so when izu got older he could ask his dad for help on math (f*$k you overly wholesum father figure of brrrrrr) Inko was reminiscing about her husband when (MoOoOoM your not listening) inko(huh oh sorry sweetie mommy was thinking about something) but izuku was a smart 4 and 3/4 year old (Hmm It was about dad wasn't it) oh god he got hizi's (nice pet name) smug smile. Inko gave a sigh  (hehe ya I was thinking about him) izu (ha I'm getting better "A hewo...heru... HERO must not only save one from hawm...hamm...HaRm... HARM but fear aswell AhAhA I am heeere.) Every time he stumbled he struck a pose it was very comical.he had associated the classic all-might pose with the quote. Happy with his performance He then took out a mini note pad and a black crayola crayon it crudely had (Hero note book of the future) (by izuku and hisatshi midoria) it was her nerd husband's way of contacting with izu over the calls we had. He wrote an idea to bring up to his dad. Izu then robotically froze this spooked his mom  (Uh izuku) ...(sorry I spaced out I was gonna say when evere you space out about dad you get dis tiny smile ) izu made the smile with his fingers.his mom was surprised And a bit consernd (... That's great ...uh ...I didn't even know I did that I need to prepare lunch do you want me to call katsuki-chan) there was a second delay then larg gasp (yay I get to see ka- kasu -kasi kaki) Inko herd this and and put the landline phone down.  [Caca aka poop ya let's corct this before katsuki gets here ] (uh izu maybe you should shorten it a bit more) the boy was bringing out his action figures (oh ok like kak-chan mutter mutter *Gasp* KACHAN ) he pumped his smile fist up all-might figuer at the new nick name. inko mentally pated her self on the back before realize she had Mitsuki her impatient best friend on hold she looked at the phone and saw that it was in fact not on hold she shakley put the phone to her ear and (ha ha ha *snort* ahahaha *wheeze* *out of breath* kaki phfft ahaahah sorry I'll send kaki over) inko embarrassed said(TaNk YOU) she hung up and the rest of the day went well the kids talked about hero quotes  the newly named kachan just couldn't ceep up so he switched to quirk talk and they both explode between katsuki swinging his arms to get sweet to make explosions as big a finger nail  to what would happen tomorrow  (bet it's not as good as explosions) izu retorted (if I get pyrokanis ha I got it *ahm*I could suck up the fire) katsuki looked confused (izuku are you dumb... It's not fire it's explosions ex-plo-sions)tbh KaChAn ticked me off he sounds like Mitsuki (katsuki explosions are super fast fire) he looks san than a marasu evil smile (he didn't use it much,,) and said (so I make the explosions and you send them super fast I'd be even cooler) izu looked happy (yaaaa I just got a get pyrokneziz ... Dang it)  !ding [ah the rice] I put the rice in bole and top both with curry  A bit spicy for katsuki  I tell the kids  to help with the table and they each get a all-might and captain cilberty spoon (the agency hizi is curintly working at he's soon gonna be a manager for new heros.the family) is now eating and after it had been 3ish hours katsuki says his good byes And goes home to his parents Who have been "enjoying alone time" and talks about how he's gonna use izu's pyrokanis to throw his explosions.  Before trying him self out. Izu was just now realizing what happened tomarow he had never been so excited to sleep

How foolish of him

voice of the all-might-y villainess quirk no longerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz