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What's one more?

Natasha and Steve walked into their dark house. After coming back, they had debriefings, and meetings all of which were hard for Emma. She refused to let go of Natasha. When it was just Steve and Natasha in a room she would stand or sit holding Natasha's hand. As soon as someone new walked in she would climb Natasha like a monkey and go to her favourite hiding spot with her face in Natasha's neck. She liked the way the woman smelled. She liked how soft and caring she was. Most of all she liked how Natasha would give her reassurance that everything was okay and she actually believed her.

It had been decided that Steve and Natasha would foster Emma and if it was a good fit for everyone they wanted to adopt her.

Natasha walking into her kitchen finding Maria Hill eating popcorn and reading what looked like a mission report.

"So that's the kid?"

"Yup. Emma." Natasha smiled softly as she swayed to keep the small blonde asleep.

"I send you away for less than 24 hours and you now have 5 under 5. Jesus Steve you work fast." Maria smirked as the super soldier walked in and headed for the fridge. He blushed in response.

"Good evening, Hill." He mumbled as he grabbed a water.

"I'm headed to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow I'm sure. Thanks Auntie Mia for keeping my children alive." Natasha smarted off as she walked away.

"F off Romanoff!" Maria whisper shouted after her.

"Rogers." Steve mumbled as he took a sip of water. Maria rolled her eyes as she gathered her things and headed for the door wishing Steve a good night.

Natasha was carrying a sleeping Emma. Deciding she would only panic if they put her in the guest room and she woke up alone, Natasha opted to sleep in there with her. Steve was going to end up with at least one kid in the middle of the night going into their room. They knew their parents would be home tonight and they always "sneak" in after a mission.

Natasha put Emma under the covers and went to the hallway to say good night to her husband.

"You're okay with this right? You think this will be good for the kids?" Natasha looked up into Steve's blue eyes. Her favourite shade of blue.

"Everything will be great. It will just be an adjustment period. We have to explain to the kids that they need to not come on too strong. And you'll have to make sure to spend time with them all individually like you normally do." Steve pecked her lips as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Good night, baby." Natasha whispered as she turned to the door.

"Good night, love."


Natasha woke up with Emma sleeping on top of her. She chuckled lightly at the small child. She looked at the clock to see it was 7am. All of her children with the exception of Sarah were early risers like their father. Sarah loved her sleep as much as Natasha did. Why couldn't she hear them yelling and playing by now?

Natasha decided on gently waking up Emma first before going to find her brood. They hadn't explained everything to her yet. She knew she was staying with Natasha and that was all the mattered to her.

"Emma? Honey can you open your eyes for me?" Natasha rubbed her back and she spoke softly. She blonde started stirring as she looked around the room, her eyes finally landing on Natasha before closing them again.

"It's time to wake up honey." Natasha say up still holding Emma to her chest as she woke up fully. "You know how I said you were coming home with my husband Steve and I?" Emma nodded slowly not taking her eyes off Natasha's emerald green ones. "Well this morning you get to meet our kids."

Emma looked deep in thought for a few moments before she whispered, "Nice?"

"They are very nice. They are really loud sometimes and can get a little crazy. But they are super nice and I bet they will want to play with you." Natasha smiled softly at Emma as she slowly nodded.

Natasha got out of bed taking Emma to the bathroom so they could both get ready for the day. Walking out into the hall Emma grabbed Natasha's hand and they headed downstairs. Sarah was laying half awake on the couch, Vera was playing quietly on the floor in front of the tv, while James and Paige were helping Steve make breakfast.

Paige ran to her mother, being the first to see her and wrapped her arms around her legs. Natasha crouched down, kissing her daughter's face and smiling before turning to Emma.

"Paige this is Emma, Emma this is my daughter Paige."

Paige tilted her head before she smiled at the other blonde. Her blue eyes shined as she started to get a little excited, "Wanna help me wif setting da table?"

Emma looked at Natasha who nodded encouraging the small child. She slowly took Paige's hand as she lead her into the kitchen further to grab what they needed. She looked up at Steve as she walked by who gave her a warm smile, "Good morning, Em."

Natasha smiled, feeling proud of her daughter who wanted to include Emma. She made eye contact with Steve, who winked at her as he finished up with the pancakes he was flipping.


Things had been going really well for the Rogers family. It had been two months since they brought Emma home and the kids accepted her instantly. Emma had gone through testing and they found she was very smart. She lacked some social skills which she was quickly picking up from the kids, and she was slowly becoming more verbal. She wasn't allowed to talk when Hydra had her so she was set back a bit.

Emma still wouldn't let Natasha out of her sight for the first month. By the second she was okay for short periods as long as Steve was with her. She had started sleeping in Vera's room when they got her a twin bed, but she always woke up with nightmares and ended up with Steve and Natasha. It was a slow process but they saw and progress as positive and were determined to help Emma every step of the way. The adoption was almost finalized and they couldn't wait to put everything behind them and officially be a family.

Today was a particularly hard day for the youngest Rogers. She was tired and all she wanted was her Mama. Even when she was in Natasha's arms she was just cry, the only audible word being "Mama". Natasha finally got her calmed down and asleep. Emma watched the scene unfold intently. When Natasha came back to the living room after putting Vera in her crib she sat beside Emma.

"You Mama?" Emma whispered with her fingers in her mouth.

"What was that, baby?" Natasha turned to face the brown eyed girl.

"You Mama?" She repeated.

"Yes I am." Natasha smiled down at her.

"You my Mama?" Emma tilted her head slightly.

Natasha instantly felt tears prick her eyes as she looked into Emma's innocent face. "Yeah, baby. I'm your Mama." She pulled Emma into her lap and wrapped her arms around her, kissing her head. She made eye contact with Steve who watched the whole thing from the chair across the room. He mouthed I love you.

Natasha responded by mouthing I love you more.

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