𝟏𝟑| 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟒𝟓: 𝐚𝐡, 𝐫𝐚𝐲, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭, 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮?

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     They decided it was best to talk with Ray there with them, so they went back inside the house and found him. He stared out the window, watching at Sister play with a younger kid. "She was one of us and yet this is just so she can have a better life," Y/n's voice caught the attention of the boy, "what a monster. She doesn't care if any of the kids here live or die at all!"

     "She said she won't ship us though," Gilda said, confused as to why Y/n was still angry.

     "She meant, was she can't," Norman explained, "if she really wanted us to escape, then she would have quietly helped us. The only reason she's showing us her cards is so that she can try to gain our trust."

     "But what's the point in that?" Don asked.

     "It's all so she can get solid evidence of our rebellion. In other words, she's in a position where the higher ups won't trust her unless she has proof. She doesn't have the power to ship us out like Mom does."

     "Evidence," Gilda muttered.

     Don gasped, "wait! What happens if she finds the rope in the tree?"

     "It's fine," Norman reassured, "explaining the rope is easy, we can say we were going to use it for a game. But if we-"

     Ray cut Norman off, "if she finds the tools to break the trackers, then we're done for."

     "That kind of evidence would be hard to explain."

     "No need to worry, I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm not finished making it yet anyway."

     "That won't be an issue if we can convince her we don't know where they are or how to break them. I'm sure Sister Krone would believe us if we played our cards right."

     "You're going to her room?" Gilda asked, "you're dealing with Sister Krone here. It's nice she offered to give us information, but..."

     "Hang on," Don spoke up, "why are we cooperating with her? Does this give us an advantage?"

     "If we use her effectively, we might learn something useful. Additionally, it'll keep her out of the way so we can focus on the inspection."

     Emma noticed Don and Gilda's uneasiness, "we'll be fine! We have to use every opportunity we can." Emma hugged Gilda and Norman pat Don's shoulder. The two felt better about the whole situation now. Y/n held her head up with her hand and smiled a little at Ray. She also felt nervous but wouldn't dare show it. She had to be strong for the younger ones. If she was nervous, it'd make them nervous and it'd throw everyone off track. Y/n was already good with covering up her true emotions, doing it for Don and Gilda would be easy. Besides, she's got Emma to keep her spirits high.

     Ray smiled back before Norman called him, "Ray, can I talk to you? I wanna discuss the investigation."

     "Okay," he waved at Y/n as he followed Norman out. She was a little bit disappointed she couldn't spend much time with him today but maybe she could read with him before bed.

     "I have a favor I want to ask of you guys," Emma said to Don and Gilda.

     Y/n had gone downstairs to get a head start on dinner. Children ran around her and hung onto her, "Y/n! Play with us!"

     She laughed while picking up Eugene who was wrapped around her leg like a koala, "I've got to start making dinner for you guys."

     "Awww, but can't you start it later?"

     "Sorry guys, I'm making a pretty big dinner so it's gonna take a while."

     "Hm... well, can we help?" They all put on their best puppy dog eyes and begged her to let them help. Jemima, Eugene, Marnya, Phil, and Damdin pleaded for their sister to let them cook with her.

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