My middle name is Problem

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He brushed yet another strand of sandy-gold hair away from his eyes as he bit his lip in concentration, fingers trying to angle the wires together at a precise point so he could jumpstart the car.

He shifted around a little bit, pausing to check for any citizens who were a little too curious, and decided to stick their noses where they didn't belong. Tommy tried once more to get the car to start, a slight shift in his shaky fingers and the car roared to life, the busted Ford jolting with a dramatic start. Tommy smiled, thanking the gods that it worked. Hopping inside he placed a foot down tentatively on the pedal and two excited hands on the wheel. The blonde had taught himself how to drive but was still pretty shit at it.

The comforting buzz of the engine Tommy felt in his hands as he gripped the steering wheel assured him enough to floor the pedal.

He let out a whoop of joy, the wind tousling his golden hair and making his bland white shirt flutter.

He roared down the road, pedestrians jumping out of the way followed by angered yells. Nothing would be able to drag his joyous mood down as he stepped on the gas pedal a little harder, the blue rusty Ford grumbling in response. He had discovered it earlier that day while wandering around looking for spare change to snatch himself another packet of cigarettes, it was tucked away behind a building; unused and quiet. The blonde let out another exhilarated call, squinting as he took a hand off the wheel, the hot midday sun blazing- he would probably get sunburn later. He felt invincible, nothing could stop him and- his thoughts were quickly cut off by an explosive siren blaring from behind him, looking over his shoulder he noticed he had attracted an entire army of cops, scowls etched onto their faces as they raced to catch up with the speeding blue Ford. Tommy muttered a swear under his breath before turning randomly; intent on dropping a few of the cop cars- there had to be at least three.

He floored the gas pedal- the ancient car not flicking past eighty on the speedometer, the sirens got louder behind him as they caught up. Tommy would have to ditch the car..

He grabbed the gear changer and snapped it, the rusting metal breaking easily under his weak grasp. Jamming it up against the pedal as he directed it at a wall..he looked behind him, police gaining quickly.

Tommy gulped, opening the door as he looked at the speeding concrete below him. "Fuck!" He screamed, pushing off, and landed on the ground. A flurry of shrieks and swears tumbled after him as he stopped, face grazed and bruised. He watched wide-eyed as the car slammed into the wall, grateful that no one was there as he really didn't feel like going to jail for manslaughter.

The car quickly exploded into flames; something way too cinematic for someone like Tommy...and it took him a moment to realise the police weren't fooled and were headed straight towards him..he spun, picking a direction and sprinting, muttering half-assed apologies as he scrambled over tables like a clumsy gazelle, long limbs flailing as drinks were splattered on the floor, angry yells following him.

Tommy's limbs were burning now as he sprinted, having to wait until he was in a more empty space if he wanted to use his unnatural speed- his hair going ghostly white in the middle of town on a hot Sunday afternoon was definitely not on the bucket list.

The blonde spotted an alley he could turn into, pushing his limbs towards it until he felt a deep weight on his back. He yelled, pissed as another hand grabbed a fist full of his hair, he dropped to the ground muttering swears under his breath- he had been so close.

Freezing metal clamped around his wrists as he sat up, whining like a small child as he was shoved into the back of a cop's car, the sweaty leather and closer quarters pissing Tommy off more than he already was.

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