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"Be Careful"

Italic Writing stands for scene cuts


It didn't even click in Y/n's head that she hasn't eaten anything since this morning. She doesn't have the energy, not just because of the sex she just had, but because the day has been draining and she just wants to close her eyes- and keep them that way.

But Derek is not the type to let go. Y/n likes to think that's his best feature. When he cares, he doesn't back down, sometimes on cases, it's a pain in the ass, sometimes it's what makes everything better.

Even with Y/n shaking her head no and closing her eyes again, Derek proceeded to go on his phone and search up the restaurants near him.

"It's now or never." James reminds the person next to him. They are in a car, one he hotwired months ago, and are sitting in the hotel parking lot.

"And how the hell are we supposed to lure her outside?" The figure says, annoyed with James.

"Figure it out, be good for something, we owe her remember?"

"There is a Chinese food spot that delivers," Derek clicks the tab on his phone and scrolls through the website. Y/n knows what he is talking about, Sunny, the restaurant opened her freshman year of high school year ago. It's 20 minutes west of Happy's Diner and has amazing Lo Mein.

"If that's what you want, sure," Y/n pushes herself out of the bed to get her wallet while Derek orders. It's the small things between the two that she likes. They don't eat out a lot, at least not when they can help it, but they always choose the same thing from the same establishments.

"No, I'll be down to get it." Derek finals the call and looks over to Y/n. "It's way cheaper out here, 35 split in 40 minutes."

"Prices changed," Y/n takes out 40 dollars, leaving 5 as tip and places on the table. Y/n doesn't sit back down on the bed but instead slips on red and black checkered sweatpants and a pullover hoodie.

"You know we still have to talk, right?" Derek plays with the ringer button on his phone.

"I know, I already know." Y/n looks out the window and blends with the thick silence.

"Why can't you just pretend that you need something from her, everyone knows that you are deputy already?"

"Do you fucking hear yourself? Why don't I just attract attention to myself but wearing a damn clown outfit? What the fuck is wrong with you Megan?" James screams. "Get out, just get out." He unlocks the door.

Megan is done with his bullshit. She's so angry that she doesn't even see the delivery guy until she bumps into him. He must get it a lot because he saves the food, but not the receipt, which has ROOM 438 in big black letters.

ROOM 438...


"Sorry dude, I didn't see you." Megan backs up and walks to the car.

"I'm going to head downstairs now," Y/n announces as she slips on her slippers and grabs the money from the table.

"Just be careful please," Derek mumbles as he continues to watch the TV.

"Hey man," James is behind the delivery guy. Maybe it's luck that he would stand in complete darkness because no one sees the way the shocks of the police taser run through the poor teen before he drops to the side.

Y/n presses the button over and over again, the hotel is busy, she knows that, but it's way too fucking slow right now.

James zips the last button of the outfit that he stole from the teen as Megan gets the cloth ready.

"Not too much, we don't want to kill her." James lectures.

Y/n steps into the elevator and rocks back and forth to the music, clenching the money in her hand.

"When she comes over here, waste no time, she's quick, but you have to be quicker."

When Y/n doesn't see the delivery guy, she steps out and walks over to the figure that's waving. Closer and closer she becomes and the more she sees his clothing.

Closer and closer she comes, she realizes it's way too dark and stops. She doesn't see Megan to her left and asks the guy to step into the light.

"You could have just made this easy." James's voice makes Y/n turn back on her heels and right into the cloth.

"Please stop fighting," Megan holds Y/n's face until the figure goes limp.

"I got her, just open the back door," James says, placing the food on the floor to catch the woman in Megan's arms.




𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 • 𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐊 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora