The Mutt and the Bloodsucker

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Scott's not too thrilled about leaving Beacon Hills for the summer to stay with his cousin, Carmen, in Forks. Nothing ever happens in Forks except for a few house parties. In fact his summer would consist of multiple trips to First Beach, going dirt bike riding with Carmen, some Cliff Diving, two house parties, and six movies premiering at the movie theater in Port Angeles.

"Okay so I have dance practice until five so you could take your bike up to LaPush and I'll meet you there with the boards." Carmen proposed. It was an unusually nice day and the waves at First Beach were pretty high so they were going to head down and surf.

"Okay. I'll meet you there." Scott agreed before going to get his bike out the garage.

He had ridden to LaPush and decided to take a run before Carmen joined him. The one problem with being in Forks, besides it being utterly boring, was that he was away from his Pack and would spend three Full Moons without them. Running helped though and it kept his wolf in check. He was glad he had more patience than the others or else he probably would have wolfed out already.

He's not really sure how it happened but one minute he was running through the woods and the next he was being tackled to the ground.

Isaac Andrew Lahey Cullen is the newest member of the Olympic Coven. He was turned only a few years ago after his biological father left him, beaten and bloody, in their house to die. He first ended up with the Denali Coven and he grew close to them but Tanya covinced him that he would be better suited with the Olympic Coven, their "cousins", since they had "teenagers". Isaac had a large amount of self-control. He didn't need to sleep anymore so he didn't have nightmares. He still felt claustrophobic sometimes but he no longer flinched when ever someone raises their hand or voice towards him. His many scars and bruises had disappeared and all that was left were the memories. Isaac was mysterious, even to his family to some degree, and he put up a front. Sometimes he was indifferent, sometimes he was cocky, and sometimes he was closed-off. He tended to be like that on certain days, the same ones every year. Today though he felt...eager.

"I'm going hunting!" He called out to the house.

"Be careful." Esme responded.

"Always." Isaac promised.

"Dad, Mom can I go with Uncle Isaac?" Renesmee asked.

"Not now Nessie." Edward answered. "Homework first."

"But Uncle Isaac isn't doing homework." The halfbreed whined.

"Uncle Isaac finished his homework. We'll join when you're done." Bella retorted.

"He's a modern day boy genius." Emmett teased. Isaac rolled his eyes before hopping the rail and taking off into the woods.

He hadn't caught anything yet and normally wolf wasn't his preferred eating route but he figured he could swallow it down just this once. He crouched low and stalked forward. He was going for the kill when he realized that the Wolf was on two legs, he thought maybe it was a member of Jacob's pack, but he could tell that the Wolf was not a Shapeshifter. He smelled the air again and caught the Wolf's sent. It was a mix of human and wolf and it was so deliciously sweet. Isaac's body began to shake lightly with need and he knew he wouldn't kill this wolf, he couldn't. Its scent got stronger as it neared and Isaac finally caved and lunged at it.

They tumbled and rolled for a while, the Wolf kicking and screaming. Isaac growled as he took a kick to the stomach and a claw to the face. He grabbed the Wolf's arms and anchored its legs to the ground by sitting on them. The Wolf snarled and Isaac took a good look at it. It was a boy, seventeen or so. His hands were indeed clawed and Isaac could see the ends of canines hanging out the boy's mouth. He was small, short in height, but strong with muscular arms and broad shoulders. He had a small waist; tan skin; and thick, black hair. His face, twisted in shock and something primal, still looked childlike and soft even with his features morphed by his changing. His eyes were closed though.

"Hey." Isaac said softly. "Look at me." The Wolf gasped and his heart stuttered before his eyes opened. His eyes were big and innocent but bright red. "Can you, um, change back?" The boy shivered and nodded. Isaac watched in fascination as the boy's features changed, relaxed, and softened. His eyes were still big and innocent but now they were a warm brown. "You're really pretty. Will you tell me your name?" The boy inhaled deeply and whined, his eyes dilating and cheeks flushed.

"Scott. My name's Scott McCall." He answered. His voice was nice and welcoming, just like the rest of him and Isaac groaned.

Scott's never seen a man so gorgeous before. He was tall, over six feet, and pale with strange golden eyes. They didn't glow golden like a Beta's though, they looked...natural but at the same time unnatural. He had curly, golden brown hair; high cheekbones; and a strong jawline. He looked like an Adonis. His voice was beautiful too- smooth and silky like velvet. He was equal parts otherworldly and strange. Scott couldn't hear the man's heart beat and he was sure he had clawed at the man's face but he wasn't bleeding nor did he have a scar.

"I'm Isaac. Isaac Lahey." He said. He leaned forward into Scott's neck and inhaled. "You smell as good as you look." He breathed. Scott's breathing hitched and he blushed more. "What are you?"

"Mmm, W-werewolf." Scott stuttered. "You?"

"Vampire." Isaac answered. Scott stiffened.

"Are you going to kill me?" He asked.

"No, of course not. You're special to me." Isaac answered.

"How can someone you just met- attacked really- be special to you?" Scott asked.

"Mate." Isaac answered with a slight growl. He leaned forward, toward Scott's neck and sniffed again. "So good."

"Isaac..." Scott breathed. He whined when Isaac licked his neck. Isaac smiled and kissed the boy softly.

"How old are you?" He asked before mouthing at Scott's jaw.

"I'll be, oh, eighteen in October." Scott managed. "Are you like, thousands of years old?"

"Mm, no. Twenty technically. I was Turned when I was sixteen." Isaac answered as he left opened mouth kisses on Scott's neck. "New to Forks?"

"Cousin lives here. Just- oh God- here for the summer. From Beacon Hills." Scott answered as his body jerked up into Isaac's. "Are there others with you?"

"Yeah." Isaac answered with a deep, lust filled voice. "The Cullens. There are nine others in our family. Do you have a Pack?"

"Yes, I'm the Alpha. Have been for almost a year." Scott replied, his eyes flashing red. Isaac groaned and leaned down to kiss Scott again.

"Want you." Isaac muttered. Scott smirked.

"Take me." He challenged. Isaac growled but was ripped away from Scott. He snarled and lashed out.

"No Isaac." He heard Edward's voice say. He could see Renesmee and Jasper "consoling" Scott. Isaac loved his family, really he did, but he wanted to break their necks at the moment. "He's thinking about breaking our necks." Isaac saw Alice go to touch Scott and he snarled in warning.

"Don't you dare touch him." He threatened.

"We let you go out on your own for an hour and you Mate with a mutt. As if the other flee bag Imprinting on Nessie isn't enough." Rosalie complained.

"Your brother can't choose his Mate, you know that Rosalie." Carlisle said. "Let's get them back to the house, keep a close eye on them."

Howl [Teen Wolf and The Twilight Saga]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant