welcome to the Village

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*chris pov*

chris " ok land here"

the driver slowly landed the choper in an open feald about 40 metres away from the village


and just like that my squad,sister and about 100 B.S.A.A solders ran out of the choper

about 20 minutes later 2 jeeps came by with everyone else

chris " ok everyone listen up "

they all turned to me

chris " I've broken the village up into 4 part so we will split up into 4 squads "

leon" whos with who?"

chris " IM NOT FINISHED squad A is me and my squad , squad B is Leon, Carlos ,squad C is ethen and his sister and squad D is Claire and valentine. Also every squad gets about 25 B.S.A.A solders working with them AM I CLEAR"

everyone " YES SIR"

chris " ok squad B take the resivour on the South side squad C take the main village squad D take the old factory and my squad will take the castle is everyone ready?"

everyone" YES "

chris" ok MOVE OUT"

I gave everyone a walky talky

everyone then broke off

*jill pov*

we were about 30 away from the factorys main entrance and already the place looks like something from the saw movies

jill " ok new plan we go in get some photos for Chris then straight out "

claire" ok got it"

the soldiers just node

jill " ok let's go"

my walky talky then starts gowing ok

jill " this is squad D  whats going on "


Carlos seems to be in actual fear

jill" easy Carlos"


another voice came through the call this oun seemed more loud and stutterry

chris " squad B this is Squad A do you read me?"


jill" chris I really think we should go"

chris " negative we still need what we came here for "

then over the call there was laughter it seems female


the next thing I herd was gun fire then nothing

Claire " ok we need to go NOW"

jill " way ahead of you"

we turd to run back but then realised that the solders were gone

Claire " oh god oh fuck oh god OH FUCK"

jill " ok just run back to the village and gat chris "

*time skip*

*Claire pov*

me and jill after about 5 minutes of running made it back to the actual village

jill" ok chris is up at the castle lets get there"

Claire " ok and stay alert "

jills walky talky then went off

jill " hello "

chris " hay you found anything?"

jill " no what happened with you"

chris " some extremely tall bitch attached me at the castle "

jill " ok chris the squad is gone "

chris " what do you mean gone?"


chris " ok then head up the the castle ill meet you at the front entrance "

jill " got it"

she put the walky talky away

jill " ok now how do we get to the castle "

then a loud roar caught us of gard

Claire " what was that?"

jill " I dont know just keep your gun out"

Claire " wate through there"

I then pont to a structure that looks like it would lead to the castle

jill " ok good observation "

we ran through the opening and ended up in what looked like a storage room with a big metal door full of rusty metal

Claire " now what"

jill " this"

she grabbed a handle witch from my gess wold open the door

???" well well"

both of us turned

there was a man standing by the way we came in he had a freddy krueger hat on ,a trench coat and a hamer made out of what looked like scrap metal he had his head bent down so we couldn't see his face

then all the rusty scrap began to float into the air

???" I didn't think any one had the guts to come here you 2 must be pretty tough"

jill " who the hell are you?"

Claire " and we're armed and dangerous so talk or get shot "

he then lifted his head up and we got to say his face and to be honest he's kinda cute

???" let me stop you right there lets address the situation ,armed ?"

he snaped his fingers and my revolver and jills pistol came out of our hands and floated behind him

???"I'd say that's debatable now as for dangerous "

he snaped again and a pear of civil war hand cuffs suddenly latched them selves on my our rists

jill " WHAT THE"

before she could finish she fell unconscious

I tryd to get out but then I felt a sharp pain going down my spine and I fell to the ground

???" mother maranda gonna love you two "

and then I fell unconscious

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