What the f**k?!

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Her taxi pulls up to the set and where the cast was set to meet. She wasn't the first to arrive, there is already a tall dark boy waiting on his phone and a short mixed race girl conversing with what looked like a set director.

As Forrest climbs out of the taxi, so does a blonde girl in the taxi a head of her and a tall messy haired brunette boy hops out of the taxi behind her. All three make their way over to the other two and stand kind of awkwardly. Two more cars pull up and out of them submerges two tall thin blonde boys. Calculations add up to 7 meaning there was still one to come. The group of seven stand in a group as they await for the last, suddenly a thin nimble blonde boy runs the corner. He stops, sees the group and crouch's over to catch his breath, it seems like he ran here.

As the group of eight has now all arrived Forrest realizes they are all staring at her. She suddenly panics and decides to speak.

"Well, everyone, name, age, role your playing and something you like... go!" She says pointing to the blonde boy standing directly in front of her.
"Oh, uhh, well I am Austin, I am 22, I am playing Topper and I like buying baseball hats." He says going red and a few snicker a laugh.
"I am Maddison, you guys can call me Maddie or whatever, I am 20, I am playing Kiara and I love taking photos." She says
"Umm, I'm chase, I'm 26, I'm playing John B and I am an amazing cook." He chirps
"I am Madelyn, I am 21, I am playing Sarah and I love horse riding."
"Eh well, I am Forrest, I am also 21, I am playing Alora and I love traveling, I want to visit every single country in the world." The young blonde admits
"Hey guys, I am Rudy, I am 20, I will be playing JJ and the top thing on my bucket list is to meet Kevin Hart." The boy who tan here says with a devilish smirk on his face.
"Morning, I am Johnathan but all my friends call me JD, I am 20, I got the role for Pope and I love to play my guitar and football."
"I'm am Drew, all my friends call me, well... Drew, I am 25, I will be playing Rafe and I also want to travel the world." He says smiling towards Forrest and she smiles back.
"Well that was fun!" Rudy cheers
"Jonas said he book a reservation in a restaurant down the road for us at 2, anyone know what it's called?" JD asks
"I think it was something like... it was something to do with cotton." Maddie try's to remember.
Madelyn takes out her phone and scrolls,
"Ahha, High Cotton Charleston Restaurant!" She claims.
All the cast agrees finally remembering.
"Who wants to stick on their Satnav, and see if it's walking distance." Forrest cheers and everyone's heads tilt as their faces read confusion.
"Oh sorry what do you guys call it, the thing on your phone, like google maps." Forrest realizes and they all suddenly realize.
"GPS!" both Rudy and Austin call at the same time while everyone else laughs as Forrest blushes.
"You know what, I think I'm really going to like you." Rudy says to Forrest as he wraps his arm around her shoulder and they all begin to walk.

After about a 7 minute walk the 8 all arrive at the restaurant, not before having to stop twice for fans to get pictures with Forrest.
They all waltz into the restaurant and take their seats. Chase and JD both at the heads of the table, Rudy, Forrest and Madelyn on one side and the other three facing them.

The dinner quickly went by as all 8 of them dove deep into conversation with each other.
"Is he like really that big in real life?" Rudy asks Forrest about Dwayne Johnson as the whole table laughs.
"No, he's even bigger." Forrest replies and Rudy's eye widen but soon realize the girl is only kidding him.

They all finished and the clock struck 5, they couldn't decide what to do. Until Rudy came up with the idea to go back to his hotel room, get drink and some games.

As Maddie, Rudy and JD were underage, there was no point in them going to the shop, because they wouldn't be sold drink. The three of them, chase and Madelyn decided to go to Rudy's hotel room ahead and left, Forrest, Drew and Austin to get the drink.

Un-According to plan (A Drew Starkey Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now