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I woke up in a hospital bed, Iggle Piggle towering over me. He seemed as if he were crying.

"Y/N YOU'RE ALIVE!" He cried, and hugged me. I groaned in pain as my stomach hurt. "Sorry" Iggle said

"It's okay, what happened to Suzy?"

"Oh, she's not here"

"Why?!?" I shot up without thinking, the wound hurting even more as I grunted through my teeth, Iggle rushing to me to make me lie back down.

"Y-y/n, I don't know how to say this. Whilst you were blacked out, Suzy got back with Peppa. And I know, it's a lot-"

"She got back with that pig?!?" I interrupted him, tears forming in my eyes, "why would she? Peppa was a stinky bitch who's only concern was jumping in filthy puddles"

"W-well that's why I didn't want to tell you, it's all so fucked up" igggle said, voice shaken

"No, thanks for telling me. Now I know who I can trust"

I lay back on the hospital bed, crying my eyes out whilst Iggle Piggle comforted me. I hated every moment of this. The love of my life, Suzy sheep, came back from the 'dead', defended me, saved my life, just to get back with Peppa.

Everything hurts, physically and mentally. I can't believe she's betray me like this

"Shh, it's going to be okay y/n, I promise" Iggle was too good for me, I don't deserve him

He kissed my forehead as I cried into his chest, his shirt getting tear stained. I wanted to scream, but it'd do nothing to help the situation. I just don't know why she did this to me


(2 months later)

"Iggle stop!" I pushed him playfully, trying to get him off of me

"Y/n babe, just give up. I'm never going g to move from your lap"

"Ugh" I rolled my eyes, but secretly I was happier than ever. Iggle's made me so happy

Every day I was in the hospital, he was there by my side, taking care of me. And I'm that time, it made me realize how much I love him

It's been about a month after my release, and I'm so in love. The past still hurts, but how would things move forward if I focused on the past?

I just wished I'd realized how amazing he was sooner, or else I would've never gotten into this mess. He's so loving and caring. And he's just everything I ever wanted.

We're moving in together soon, he can't stand how abusive my mother is. And nor can I.

I strongly believe Iggle Piggle is my soulmate, and I'll love him for eternity

A/N: and that's the end. I'm kinda jealous of Iggle Piggles and y/n's relationship ngl, I want that with a girl 😫

The Ninky Nonk to my Pinky Ponk | and iggle piggle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now