𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Ok, are you eating too ?" I asked, looking at her.

"No I ate already." She said, waving me off as she shook her head.

"Ok." I said, as she let me go. Walking over to the counter I grabbed a plate.

Grabbing the tongs I placed a red velvet waffle, bacon, sausage, some eggs, and scooped some grits onto my plate. Grabbing the syrup, I placed my plate down and sat down. Pouring syrup on certain things on my plate, I started to eat. 

Finishing my food, I placed my plate in the sink and grabbed my phone off of the kitchen counter. Walking through the hallway and into the living, I was met with confetti being popped at me making me jump back.

"Happy birthday !" Miss Joyce yelled with her arms out, as a smile rested on her face.

"Thank youuu !" I drug laughing, as I covered my face.

Looking around the living room, I was in awe at all the gifts and balloons everywhere.

"Jameer done taught me how to work this big ole camera, so I'm blogging for ya tube channel." She said, chuckling as she fidgeted with the camera.

"Ohh Ok, thank you." I replied, nodding my head as I laughed.

"Ok come open these gifts so you can get outta here." She said,waving me over.

Sitting down on the couch, the first thing I saw was a LV box so I grabbed it. Sliding the box open, I was met with a pair of black, tan, and pink wool slides.

Opening the rest of my gifts which consisted of more slides, perfume, body moisturizers, lingerie, clothes, and some purses.

Looking at the time, I saw that it was 10:49. I had just got done throwing on some clothes, which consisted of a pair of shorts, a tank top, and some slides.

Walking out of my room with my phone, charger, and air pods in hand I jogged down the stairs. Walking towards the front of the house, I was met with Miss Joyce waiting on me with the door open. Hugging her, and receiving two taps to my backside I chuckled as I walked out the house. Looking at the car, I immediately knew that Jeff was driving me around today.

"Hey Jeff." I spoke waving, while walking over to the car.

"Good morning toot, Happy Birthday youngin." He replied, smiling as he held the door open.

"Thank you." I said, while gettin in the car.

Shutting my door, Jeff jogged around to the front of the car opening the drivers door getting in. Sitting back, I pulled my phone out at the same time that Jeff let the privacy screen down.

"Sit back, relax, and let me drive toot." He said, looking back at me.

"You got it Jeff." I responded, raising my hands up.

Turning back around, Jeff let the screen back up. Opening Instagram, I scrolled down my timeline.

Use yall imagination...... thank you !!



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