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"I—I wasn't entranced...!"

I frantically try to explain myself, but she just breaks into a playful smile.

"On today of all days, displeasing a goddesses of the harvest just might bring you some terrible misfortune, you know?"

"I'm dying! I really might not make it...!"

Hestia had reached the pinnacle of exhaustion.

Her blue eyes were spinning from the unending series of labors.

Taking orders, running back and forth, carrying orders to tables, dealing with customers, washing dishes, taking out the trash—all the intense work that had been forced on her had long since surpassed her ability to cope.

"Bell was weirdly tired when he came home late last night, and then he left this morning after dolling himself up, so I was planning to track him to see what's up, but then all this happened...What even is a Goddess Festival?! I'm a goddess, aren't I? Where's my sympathy?!"

She was washing dishes in the kitchen while Mikoto and Haruhime and Welf were all busy working the front.


"You stupid goddess!!! How many plates do ya gotta break before you're satisfied?!"

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek?! I'm sorry, boss!"

It was almost a reflex at this point for Hestia to immediately grovel whenever Mia raised a furious shout.

"We wouldn't need deities if an apology could take care of everything!"

Hestia looked even more haggard as that thunderous shout promptly ended the discussion.

Lilly grabbed the collar of Hestia's dress and whispered:

"Lady Hestia! Just leave this to us and run away!"

"Eh?! A-are you sure, supporter girl?"

"Your being here is just making more work for the rest of us! It'd be better if you weren't here!"


"In exchange, please follow after Mr. Bell! It pains Lilly to have to rely on you for this, but it needs to be done!"

Hestia was overwhelmed by the force of Lilly's bloodshot eyes as she murmured her thanks.

The goddess waited for Mia to look away and then escaped through the back door—or rather, Mia noticed but came to the same conclusion that Lilly had and simply let her go.

"I'm sorry, supporter girl! I'm sorry, everyone! I won't let your sacrifice be in vain!"

I'm coming, Beeeeeeeeeell!

Her black hair streamed behind her as she ran aimlessly through the streets, still wearing the tavern's uniform.

"Ahhh." Hermes breathed in the festival atmosphere with a contented nod. "If it isn't perfect weather for the Goddess Festival. All of the work that had been piling up is mostly squared away to boot, so maybe I should go have some fun with some beauties!"

While many people were cheerfully milling around the streets, his eyes were quickly drawn to the attractive women wearing colorful outfits for the event.

"Shall I slip a knife into your back before someone else does, Lord Hermes?"

Of course, the subzero gaze stabbing into him from behind was not so accommodating.

"I-I'm just joking, Asfi. Please, I'm begging you, don't take out your knife!" Hermes apologized to his aqua-haired follower. "I've had you running around till just yesterday, so today is a day off for you! I didn't forget!"

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