Start from the beginning

"It has to do with Lady Syr, of course."

I gulp without thinking. It was just a hunch, but I sort of had a feeling that might be it.

Hörn delivered the letter just yesterday, too.

But Lady Syr...

"U-umm, is Syr...somehow connected to Freya Familia?"

After counting Hedin here, plus the incident with Vana Freya, it seems pretty clear that several of their familia's highest-level members have some kind of connection to Syr. Guard duty, honorifics...It's almost like they're treating her like a princess.

Who in the world is Syr really?

I can't help wondering even though I had never really thought about it before.

"That's not something you need to know."

And my question is curtly shot down.

The sharp gaze staring me down is overwhelming.

"Besides, what would you do if you knew? Even if she had some sort of secret, would you treat her differently because of it?"

I'm taken aback. His pointed questions force me to think hard on the matter.

He's right...even if I knew how she was connected to Freya Familia, would that really change anything?

It wouldn't change what she's given me or how she's helped me. I answer with complete sincerity.

"No...I would never do that."

My lips move on their own, revealing how I truly feel.

Is that an answer that will satisfy him? Hedin scoffs, but he doesn't berate me any further.

"I'm aware you've received a letter from her. And that you've somehow been chosen for a rendezvous during the Goddess Festival. As such, I've come to judge you."

Seems like we've finally reached the main topic at hand, though it's clear he thinks this is all a huge waste of his time. It feels like each and every word that comes out of his mouth is a barb aimed directly at me. It's bad enough that I start to shudder, but...what does he mean "judge" me?

J-judge me how?


He does nothing but stare at me.

"Wh-what is it?" I ask, bewildered.

His eyes are already drilling holes into me, but he doesn't let up. Right when I can barely stand it any longer, he begins.

"You are lacking in character. Your conduct is crude. The exact opposite of refinement. An utter rube."


"Your speech is unbearable on the ears. Your lack of sophistication is plain to see."


"And more than anything, that expression of yours is utterly idiotic. It's a source of irritation even just sitting across from you like this. If I were a woman, I would spit upon the very idea of a tryst with you, vulgar as it might be. I would scoff at the very idea."


A sudden storm of critiques!

My body crumples like he pummeled my gut. If a beautiful elven lady had told me that so bluntly, it would've ruined me!

Hedin props his head up, his elbow on the armrest and his legs crossed. This must be what it feels to have a king pass judgment on you. And all that with an utterly disappointed gaze, making it clear he's found me lacking.

DanMachi Vol.16Where stories live. Discover now