Chapter 2

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“Hey babe.” Nathan said running up to Jesslyn. He was all sweaty and hot, him and some of the other guys were playing foot ball on the beach and straying away from their wedding duties.

“What are you doing? I thought you were finishing setting up?” Jess asked.

“We are babe, just taking a short break.” He said and kissed her on the forehead. “I thought we would play some football while mom went to get the candles she forgot at home.”

“How many candles do you need?” Roslyn asked looking at the beach. There were white chairs scattered all over the beach, a white arch stood in front of the ocean with red roses crawling up the sides. White candles in glass jars lined the aisle that Jesslyn would be walking down tomorrow.

“Why?” Jesslyn asked looking worried.

“Oh, it’s nothing but I think it looks perfect the way it is.” Roslyn said. She turned to Nathan. “Jess said you boys wouldn’t mind watching over Lake tonight, while I go hang out for awhile?”

“Well...” he said unsure of himself.

“Nathan! You said you would.” Jess said looking at him.

“I’m just going to walk over here, you too talk.” Ross said. She sat her bag in one of the chairs and walked to the water holding her sons hand.

 “Who’s that?” Matt asked looking at the redheaded girl holding a curly haired little boy.

“That’s the bride’s sister.” Matt’s best friend Steven said. “She’s got a sad story.”

“And a kid.” John said. “Don’t go there.”

“Why not?” Matt asked.

“If you do, be careful.” Steven said. “She’s damaged.”

“She’s beautiful.”

“Stay away from her Matt, that’s an order.” Nathan said walking up behind her. “She doesn’t need any more pain.”

“How old is she?” Matt asked.

“Seventeen, now drop it.” Nathan commanded. “We are babysitting tonight.”

“Ugh! Why?” John complained “I wanted to go get drunk and see strippers.”

“Because, it’s been a long time since Jess saw her sister and she wants to spend time with her before she goes back to Texas.” Nathan said.

“Ross, come on.” Jess said. “You wanted to meet some of the guys that Lil’ Lake here’s gonna be around the next few days.”

Roslyn nodded her head, picked up Lake and followed her sister over to the group of four boys, three of which she didn’t know and Nathan.

“Hey Ross,” Nathan said hugging her. “I want you to meet some of my friends. This is

Steven Lane,” he said pointing to a tall guy with sandy blonde hair and kind of pale skin. “His brother John Lane,” he pointed to a guy that looked kind of like the first but he skin was a shade or two darker than the first boys. “And Matt Davis, my best man.” Matt Davis had short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes; he had tanned skin and abs that would make any girl drool over. She thought he could be a god with his hotness. “Guys this is Jesslyn’s sister, Roslyn Reynolds, and her son Lake McCoy.”

“Hi.” She said smiling shyly to the three boys. 

“Hey.” They said back at the same time.

“Do you lovely ladies want to join us in a game of football? We will go easy on ya.” John said. Roslyn laughed and looked at her sister as though she was asking for permission.

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