Later at Percy's mom's apartment

11 1 2

             A/n I found Sally's cookies                               
     Sally Blofis Missed her son. He's been gone for almost half a year now. She Heard a knock on the door.When she didn't answer. She Heard more urgent knocking. Finally when she did answer it she almost fainted ( I like righting exaggerated scenes :3)

      Standing there was Annabeth. And PERCY? "Yeah mom it's me" he replied. I broke down right then and there, not knowing what to say. Percy crouched down next to me. "It's ok mom I'm here" he spoke, as if not believing it himself.

                         Percy's pov

    "It's ok mom". I couldn't believe I was saying that after after all this time. It felt good to finally see her again. "Mom do you think you can make me some cookies"? I asked. "Sure Perce"my mom replied.

                 Time skip 30 minutes

Mmmm.... "Love you mom","Love you to Perce".

             A/n If you want me to keep writing pls comment / vote. Hope y'all have a good day/night peace out ✌️☮️

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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my first PJO storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora