Chapter 3- Big Brothers and Neighbors?(*)

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As Derek and I walked home from school he began asking me about my day and I told him about how he was wrong and I did make friends on the first day. Then we started talking about how we were both excited about our brother coming home to visit on the weekend. His name is Evan and he was 20 he went to a university and he lived on campus so we didn't really get to see him often but when we did we did really fun stuff and we had been planning this for a couple weeks. When we walked into the neighborhood I noticed someone very familiar was walking into a house that was very close to mine and then it hit me.

It was Kian. I got a very strange feeling in my stomach I know it’s going to sound cliché but it was sort of like having butterflies flying around in my stomach.

"Hello... Earth to Bethany..." Derek said waving his hand in my face. "What are you looking and or better yet WHO are you looking at?"

"Oh sorry I just saw a ummm ....bird?" I said not wanting to tell him what was really going on. “So umm how was your day?" I asked trying to be convincing.

"It could have been better" He said as we got to the door “So are you going to tell me what’s really going on?"

"Ummmm I d-"I didn't even finish when I was interrupted by what sounded like Evan.

"What’s really going on about what?” Evan said with a raised eyebrow. Derek and I were both surprised at what we saw right in front of us. At that moment I realized how much I had missed by big brother. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug and so did Derek.

"I’m so happy to see you" I said” But I thought you were coming on Saturday?"

"Well SURPRISE!" He said “So what was that about telling Derek what was really going on?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "It’s where are we going?" I said attempting to change the subject which apparently worked because they went along with

"Well mom got a last minute call to work and went to Oregon and she won’t be back for about a week and I promised her I’d take care of you guys so we can go get something to eat and then we can go do fun things like old times, just the three of us." I smiled at the sound of that because I remembered the fun times the three of us had before he left for college. My mom was mostly away on business trips and my dad left us when I was small and he never kept in contact with us. But I had two wonderful brothers and a mom who did anything to make us happy and was there for us whenever we needed her.

"Yay! I’ll go upstairs put my stuff way and then we can head out. Sound good?" I said to my brothers who were talking happily in the living room who just nodded not even bothering to stop there conversation. As I walked upstairs I pulled out my phone and saw this

4 New Messages

Mom<3: Hey sweetie I hoped you like the surprise! Tell your brothers that I love them and that I'll call you guys later when I have the chance Love You

Brooke: Hey girl so did you meet any cute guys yet? ;D and did you get mystery boys name?

Kian: Hey :D

Unknown: Hey Beth ;D

I quickly replied to my mom and Brooke. Telling Brooke about Kian and Josh and hoping she wouldn't start freaking out. Then when I replied to Kian I thought about asking him if he realized that we were neighbors. And then when I got to the last text I just asked who it was. After that I got into my room put my backpack down and I opened my laptop for a quick look at Facebook. Sure enough I had new friend request from the new people I had met today and as I got to the bottom of the list I saw two that made me smile, Josh Anderson and Kian Sanders.

I quickly accepted them and remembered that my brothers were waiting for me down stairs. So I quickly closed the laptop, got my phone and ran down stairs to find them still deep in their conversation which gave me a sigh of relief that they wouldn't have noticed I took long.

"Ready" I said and with that we were on our way


 Time passed by fast with those guys because there weren’t any boring moments during the time we spent together. We went to in-n-out and talked about the things that occurred in our lives since the last time we had all been together. But the night didn't end there we not only had emotional bonding moments but we also had lots of fun. We went to the mall walked around and did some shopping and then we decided to pick up a couple movies from red-box and head home. And while all of this was occurring I was texting Kian non-stop. We really seemed to be getting along and we had many things in common. I also found out who the person who sent the unknown text was and it was none other than..........Josh. And although I did keep texting I got bored which was the one thing that didn't happen with Kian and I liked that. It was as if we had known each other forever although in reality we had only known each other for a day. As we pulled into the drive way of our house I saw a figure standing by the door but I couldn't really tell who it was. I was getting a little nervous because my brothers noticed.

"Who's that" they said in unison as they turned to look at me

"Don't look at me I don't know who that is" I said.

"Stay in here Beth" Evan said "come with me Derek" he said and soon enough they walked out of the car and approached the figure of what looked like a guy. From what I saw they shook hands and Evan and Derek were...laughing? I just sat there wondering why was still in the car. So I decided to get out of the car and find out who that was. I was nervous to see who that was so I decided to make time by grabbing the bags we had and soon enough I had all of them and it was time to find out who that was. As I got closer to the door I began to get those weird feeling that I got earlier. And sure enough I saw him standing there talking to my brothers and I had a huge grin on my face. I could also feel myself blushing but I didn't quite know why...

What are these feelings? They can’t be..... Or could they?

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