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26th December

Esme and I had spent the night in my room, as my parents had insisted upon, Esme was in my bed and I was on the armchair - obviously.

"You didn't have to give up your bed, Siri" Esme yawned, waking up from her slumber

"Excuse me for being a gentlement"

"Can we talk about last night?" she asked croakily, I made made my way up to the bed and sat on top of the duvet


"Sirius, we're getting married!" she shouted loud enough for the muggles next door to hear

"I'm well aware of that Ez, I did propose to you" I grinned

"This is not a Sirius-Black-grin moment, Sirius. I told you I trusted you and I also trusted that this betrothal wouldn't be happening whilst we were still in school!"

"You knew?"

"Since I was twelve. After you were born, when I was put in my sister's care, Cygnus proposed an engagement between the two households, you know blood purity and all" I could feel my blood start heating up, almost boiling

"Another thing we have to be, I hate this family, why can't I just be my own man!" rage coloured my face.

"How about you calm down and we have some tea, yeah?" I nodded and the two of us started getting dressed before finally going down to the dining room.

In the dining room, Regulus and Artemis were sat at the table: Regulus was eating his plate of fruit and pancakes, and Artemis was reading the latest Daily Prophet.

"Good morning, family"

"Ez, you two have been in bed for so long, only Merlin knows doing what, that it is now half twelve" Artemis said looking up from her paper

"Where's mother and father?" I asked but I really did not care asking as they weren't home

"Dad is at the ministry and mum is at the market, lucky for us it's just the four of us and Kreacher"

"Fortunately giving us all day to plan this wedding then" Ez tried to say as subtly as she could but Mis clocked on very fast

"No fucking way!"

"Yes fucking way!" Esme beamed in excitement showing off her new rock of a ring

"You two seem awfully excited for an arranged marriage" Regulus scoffed and I rolled my eyes

"Who cares, it's still going to be fun"

After that, the four of us spent hours discussing all sorts: venues, budgets, colour schemes (most likely green against my will), guests, arrangements.

"Do you have a date" Reg asked closing his potions book

I looked at Ez, Ez looked at me, and we shook our heads

"We're not really going to have a say, it'll most likely be your parents and Cygnus, but we don't think it'll be until at least before the twins graduate" Esme said

"When you do graduate, what'll happen?"

"What do you mean, brother?" I asked

"Well you'll be expected to move in together and bare a child" he explained and I nearly choked on his words

Mis began to laugh, even snort, "Can you imagine it? Sirius with a child" she snorted

"Sod off, Mis"

"Seriously though Sirius, we haven't thought this through, what will we do then?" Esme asked worriedly

"We'll figure it out, and if not we'll just say you're infertile or something" I joked but I felt the cold glares of the three Slytherins around me , "I was joking ok"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, don't go round saying shit like that Siri"

"Sorry, was it too soon?" The three of them nodded 

"Us four and the gang are going to throw the best damn wedding ever and Earth will be forever grateful we held it on his planets"

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