school sucks

393 17 2

karla pov

i un packed and whacthed T.V when i was splashed with slime.


hahahaha you look natural. he said while and poseing.

and now im going to my you fly.

fly whe-he was cut of by beong throghn out side.

lets seddle this man to lady if i win you do what ever i say for one year.

what if i win.

then ill be your partner in crime and i cant say no unless it has to do with cute things.


i trough him against a tree and then knock me throgh the open i jumped up and ran full speed and front fliped and landed on his shoulders and held his head like i was going to pull it of.

give up.


fine try and get me off either way your head comes off.

fine i give up.

i did a backflip and landed next to the crowed.

well karla you need to change cause the cullens are new in forks and you are going to school in two hours.

ok bye.

i ran up stairs and put on blue lacy tights and black skin tight short shorts with a blue one shoulder shirt with ruffles and a pic of a rainbow colored tiger with black pumps.i put on black masscara and eye liner with lip gloss and and ran down stairs.


crawled into emmetts car and sat under the top window.

we drove to school we pulled up me and emmett stood in the the top window and looked around. emmett jumped out.

hey seth chacth me please.

sure thanks.

we walked in the school me and edward holding hands and emmett roselie holding hands alice jasper too. then some people jumped in front of us.

hi im mike he said filrterously while sticking his hand for me to shake. and this is erick, jessica ,anglea, and tyler.

hi im karla and get that hand away from me.this is edward,alice,jasper,roselie,emmett,seth,embry,paul,collin,paul,brady and jake.

well if you need any thing come to us.

no thanks wel manage. bye. and we walked to the office and then to class. i walked to french class with alice.

we sat in the back of the french class. and the teacher walked in.

hello class welcome to french.

hello we corised.

i belive we have new students please come on up. and we got up.

hi! im alice brandon cullen. she chirped.

hi. im karla cullen. i said cooly. the rest of the went by fast but lunch was a diffrent story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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