"Oh ho...Our angry young woman even knows how to blush." Huda said and the jeep shook with laughter and I blushed the deepest red anyone has ever seen.

"We are here" Captain Abhimanyu announced.  I got off the jeep and looked around. I lost my self in the beauty of the place. I could feel everything and everyone around me disappeared as I began to remember my time with Rajveer sir. Not being able to control myself I walked toward the Wishing pole.



"Naina where are you going" Alekh said and was about to run behind to catch Naina when Captain Abhimanyu came and held his hand.

"Don't worry cadet. She will be fine. She has been here before." He reassured Alekh.                

 "This place is beautiful. I feel as if I want to keep this place in my memory forever." Pooja said, looking dreamy.  

 "You are right Cadet Ghai, but we aren't here to look at the beauty. Cadet Huda come with me. Cadet Pooja and Cadet Ali you go that way and Cadet Alekh and Cadet Yudi go that way. If you find anything call us immediately". He said and left with Huda.


I kneeled in front of the wishing pillar and closed my eyes. I could feel Rajveer sir within me. I could feel his presense around me. I stayed there for a few minutes, but didn't wish for anything. Partly because I had everything I need. I have the kind of friends that people dream of having. I know there are people who will stand by me till the end. I had a person, who loved me so much, that he gave up his life for me. A person who loved me so much that he never let any harm come to me, no matter how much he had to suffer for that to happen. Another reason was because of what he had once said. He had said Bhagwan se dua woh mangta hai jhina khud par yakeen nahi hota (Those who ask god for wishes, don't believe in themselves). Even if I dodn't believe in myself, but I DO believe in the belief Captain Rajveer had in his Cadet Naina Ah Singh, and there was no way, I would let his believe in me die.  I got up and walked over to the echo point. I could hear the distance echo of Captain Rajveer's and mine voice. I remember what it felt like to take his name without the sir or Captain. The way he had said my name made me feel I belong to him, and I loved that.                                                                                                                   

"You lied to me Rajveer. You said that every couple who comes here stays together for life, but left me before we could become one. You left me to live a lifeless life. You left, and took my heart with you. I live because of the promise I made you. Today I will make another promise to you. I promise you, that if you are alive, I will not give up searching for you till my last breath, and if you are gone, than I will breath my last the day Lala gets imprisoned. I cannot lead a happy life without you."


"Found anything" I asked Captain Abhimanyu, who was inspecting the exact bench Captain Rajveer and I shared a few months ago.  Before I could say anything Huda shouted "Everyone get here fast." Within seconds all of us surrounded Huda and the paper he was holding.                                                               

 "Oh god another clue to solve" Pooja pouted, holding the paper that looked like this

                                                                                       {}?*&@#! #                    

Rajveer Naina-Rebirth of loveWhere stories live. Discover now