The Abandoned Empress - Chapter 70

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Normally, I would not have any personal time because Carsein would nag me while training me, but as he left early today, I had a little more free time.

When I tried to go home, I suddenly thought about the silver flowers in the garden of Ver Palace. Winter was almost over. I wondered if the silver flowers bloomed. As I was curious, I went to the inner palace instead of the wagon center. As I left a bit earlier than usual, I felt I could stop by the palace before going back home.

“Hummm… What brought you here?”

When I almost arrived at the destination, I saw a young man with blue hair walking across from the other side. I paused for a moment, but I politely replied, “I’m honored to see you, the Little Sun of the empire. I just stopped by on my way home.”

“On your way home? The 1st Knights Division is in the outer palace, not here. ”

I corrected what I said with a sigh, “Sorry, Your Majesty. I was on my way to the garden of Ver Palace.”

“Got it. I guess you’re going to see the flowers then.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Really? I was just curious, too. Let’s go together.”

While hesitating at his unexpected response, I found him going in first. I barely caught up with him with short steps. I walked carefully behind him, checking the distance between me and him. Unless escorted, I was not supposed to walk with the crown prince side by side.

“So, did you enjoy the party?”

“… Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you.”

When I bowed my head to express my gratitude, he said calmly I didn’t need to, adding he went there for his own business, too. He then went silent.

After walking along the cobbled path through the rattan arch, I saw the garden of Ver Palace at a distance. It was very different from what I saw last time. With spring just around the corner, the small garden was in good shape after it went through landscaping construction.

There was a strange plant standing alone in the center of the garden, the silver flower tree was blackened here and there by fire.

‘Let’s see. Any flowers blooming?’

Straining my eyes, I looked at the tree here and there. However, the tree still only had silver buds and had not blossomed. Besides, as they were high on the branches of the tree, I couldn’t look at them up close.

I was so frustrated that I tried to look at them by standing on tiptoes, but to no avail.

When I sighed a little, he giggled after looking at me silently. Then, he called a royal guard walking ten steps behind him.

“Tell the attendant to bring a ladder here.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

‘Ladder?’ I opened my eyes wide and looked up at him. As if in a pensive mood, he looked at me face to face. After looking at me for a long time, he turned his eyes to the silvery buds and said, “Aren’t you afraid of me now?”


“Whenever you looked at me in the past, you avoided your gaze, but now you don’t.”

I had some complicated thoughts when he said that.

Ever since I came back as a ten-year-girl, I did my best to avoid him. In order not to repeat my past life and not to draw his attention, I controlled my emotions as much as possible. In fact, I was so anxious to hide my trembling before him. Merely thinking of him drove me nuts.

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