Party Crasher

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She comes by night, in fearsome flight, in garments black as pitch, the queen of doom upon her broom, the wild wicked witch. Jack Prekutsky

A young lady in a fine dress stepped down from her private carriage with the help of her carriage driver. "Thank you, Terence," she said with a gentle smile. "I don't plan to stay long."

"Very well my lady," Terence replied. "I'll tend to the horse and see that we'll be ready to leave soon."

The ladies dress was frilly, puffy and floor length; large enough that it hid her legs, but not her precious ruby slippers. That made a pleasant clicking sound as she ascended the great stairs to the front door of the manor.

Using the knocker of the door it made a bagging sound that echoed through the large wooden door. A moment later the door opened, but there was no one there. Someone cleared their voice causing the lady to look down to see a man servant that was only four feet tall, "Can I help you?"

The lady handed him an invitation, "You may announce me as Dawn E. Cinder."

Hearing the name the servant quickly bowed, "If your ladyship would fallow me."

The servant lead Dawn through the stereotypically large mansion, past several pieces of expensive art. She recognized a few pieces; some were vases and pottery that looked pretty but was never actually used for any thing; there were also paintings of nobles and royalty.

But there were also more exotic figurines and paintings from the Mystical East. To most people they would appear to be just art or trophies from the East. But to someone like Dawn that knew their true meaning it was a sign she was in the right place.

The short servant stopped in front of a door and knocked, waiting for "Enter."

Entering the room first he announced "Lady Dawn E. Cinder." Stepping aside for her to pass.

There were four people in the room, one elderly man and three women of various ages; one looked a little older than Dawn, who wore a black dress. Another looked old enough to be her grandmother, she wore a simple grey dress. The third in a pink dress, looked to be the right age to be their host the Lady Little.

The woman in pink smiled saying, "Thank you Philip. That will be all."

"Ma'am," the servant bowed before leaving.

Lady Little stood up, "Good evening dear. Can I offer you a drink?"

"No thank you," Dawn said opening a fan with an enchanted symbol only a practitioner can see.

"As you wish," Lady Little said as she opened her own fan with a similar symbol. "Now that we're all here we can start this meeting."

"Let me introduce everyone. I am Lady Nancy Little. Please call me Nancy, my dear," she curtsied.

Pointing to the older woman she said, "This is Lady Susan Luna"

"Please do call me Susan, as well my dear," Susan nodded her head.

"This is William Ounce" she said pointing towards the elderly man.

"How do you do?" he said smiling. Dawn nodded in return.

"And this," Nancy said pointing to the girl in black. "Is Wendy Jackson."

Dawn had already known who would be in attendance including; the ladies Little and Luna are the wives of land-owning nobles in the Cinder Queendom. While Mr. Ounce born a merchant's son but worked hard to fined a position in high society.

Wendy however was different, she's a distant relative of the wealthy Jackson family. As a member of the royal family Dawn had meet people of such ranks before, but it was still surprising to meet someone so wealthy in the flesh.

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