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You sat on your bed and sighed. Keigo, your boyfriend was still gone at a mission, as usual since he is Hawks the #2 Hero and all.
Today was another lonely day of staring at yourself in the mirror. You're extremely insecure about your body and just yourself in general. You stare at yourself in the mirror picking at your scars and acne and whatever imperfections you saw in yourself. *sigh* You grab your hoodie and put it on hiding yourself and go sit on the couch and turn on a show.
( Y/N POV )
Suddenly, I hear the door open and shoes being thrown to the floor. I turn around and see Keigo and smile a little bit. He shoves off his hero costume and throws it on the ground. He sighs and goes to our shared bedroom and shuts the door. Without saying a word to me. Or even glancing once at me. I sniffle and tears start to well up in my eyes.
"Does he even love me?"
I swear we haven't even spoke to each other in over a week. I try to initiate conversations but he just pushes me away.
He comes out of our room in nothing but sweatpants. He grabs his phone and keys and heads to the door.
"Where are you going?" i get the courage to ask.
He completely ignores me and leaves shutting the door behind him.
More tears start to well up in my eyes and I throw some random object across the room and scream as loud as i can hoping to let out some anger.
I grab a backpack and some clothes and my phone charger and house keys and a pocket knife to protect myself and shove the items in my back and close it.
I sniffle and sob and put my shoes on and head out the door.

*time skip to 2 hours later*
I'm now just wandering around town still sobbing overwhelmed over the fact that my boyfriend doesn't show any attention or affection towards me or even acknowledges my existence. I was so blinded by my tears i didn't see someone coming my way and i bump into them.
"Oh my god i'm so sorr-
I look up and cut off my sentence as I see the pretty boy looking down at me.
He has dark scars over his eyes and over his mouth up to his ears, and on his chest and arms. He has black, fluffy hair. Tan, but also pale white skin. He was tall. He towered over me. And he was wearing a long white t shirt that showed his muscular arms. The shirt went over his black ripped jeans.
I realized i've been staring at him for a minute now.
"Fuck he's cute."
"Why, hello little mouse. What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" He asks while wiping some tears from my face.

"I-I was j-just wandering around my boyfriend kinda treats me like shit and he left without saying a word to me i don't know if i'm not enough for him or if he doesn't love me i try so hard for him but he gives me nothing so i had to leave i'm sorry i bumped into you i'll just go if you want"-
He cut off my ramble by pulling me into a tight bear hug. He rocked us back forth whispering a soft "shhh"
in my ear. I cried into his chest.
"Why do i feel so safe with him?"
i asked myself.
"come on little mouse how bout i take you to my place and take care of you, yeah?" he asked softly and i nodded my head.
"Am I really going to a strangers house right now? Why do i feel so safe with him?"
i asked myself in my head.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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