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In an underwater earthquake research center, over 3,000 meters, a team of scientists are studying a chasm that opened up after a recent tectonic movement. One researcher as preparing to do a dive into the cave to gather info

"this suit isn't great for movement, what happens if I fall?"

"Don't fall."

"Thanks captain obvious."

A helmet is placed on his head and a cable attached to his back

"That make you feel better?"


The scientist is dropped into the water and he makes a trek in near complete darkness, only a thin beam of light lighting up the water in front of him, silt clouding his vision as unknown creatures swim past him on all sides.

A voice comes over his communications device-"hey be careful out there, we've got some big readings, you aren't alone out there"

Ignoring this as best he can the man continues. He feels a current pull him to the left a bit and sees a squid speeding past him, relived, he continues. Approaching the wound in the earth his temperature gauge shows the water is heating up rapidly as he moves forward. upon entering the are his gauge showed temperatures over 150 degrees Celsius, that combined with the pressure led him to believe nothing could be down here, but he went on anyways. after an hour or so of exploring the cave he tuned around.

"The earth moved and collapsed a bit, nothing lives down here."

Back in the research station the entire crew is gathered around the man in the suit, upon pulling him back in, an oval shaped object was connected to the suit. after removing it, thousands of legs were found on its underside. It was almost like a 2 foot beetle, its back was a hard shell and underneath were its legs and mouth, it had no eyes, much like many creatures so low in the ocean. everyone chattered nervously, they actually found a creature. they agreed it should be sen to the surface to be studied. this was the biggest mistake any human had ever made.

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