Chapter 8

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"It's just to big of a risk. They are our enemy's," spoke my mother, the Alfa of are pack. Night was sitting beside me on my left and Twilight was on my right. My mother was in front of me giving me a stare down. Night was staring at his paws. He was whining very faintly. "But Mother, he is lost. You wouldn't want me lost and not being able to find me," I growled. She nodded and said," I will let him go home. Me, you, and Twilight will bring him home. But you have to brace yourselves for a fight."

Night glanced up when he heard the word fight. He gave her a questioning look and asked," Why fight?" Mother looked down at him. "My pack and your pack aren't exactly the closest." He nodded and said," Then we must talk to Star." My mother looked out the cave entrance," Very well. We'll leave in the morning. Twilight will show you to where you will sleep. Eclipse, I need to have a talk with you." Twilight nodded and padded out of the cave along with Night. He glance back sadly a few times.

"Who should we bring with us?" Mother asked. I thought about it for a second and said," Defiantly a healer. I say we bring Starlight, Grass, Rock, and Carnation for back up." She approved and said," You did the right thing." I was confused. "About what?" She shook her head," About Night. I would have left him." I nodded and turn to leave when she said," Gather all of the wolves and I'll call for a meeting." I nodded and went to get the wolves together.

Mother jumped up on the meeting tree and howled for the wolves to gather beneath it. "When Eclipse and Twilight were out, they found a DarkPack pup on our side. He must be brought back. Prepare the camp and the wolves who were chose for back up will follow closely behind us and hide in the bushes in case of battle. I will howl if battle breaks out and you will come and help us. Other wolves will stay here in case they send wolves to attack here," she announced. "You may go back to doing what you were doing, I guess."

She jumped back off and padded towards me and the group. "We leave tomorrow morning. Night is in the Wolf Training den. He has wolves from our pack his age there. He should get along with them." She walk off and up the spiral rock.

I sighed and walked up to Twilight, who was training with his so called," Student." He was teaching Blaze how to defend himself. "Lookin' good guys." Twilight gave me a look that was unreadable. "Give me a sec, Blaze." Blaze nodded and practiced by himself. "What do you need?" I gave him an anxious look. "I just wanted to see you..." He started walking off and I sped up to keep pace. "What's wrong, Twilight?" I asked. I was worried about him. "Nothing that you're worried about," he snarled. "Come on, Butterfly-face," I said. "Fine you want to know? I killed a Dark Pack wolf.

I was shocked. "You killed a wolf!?" I felt a tear run down my cheek. He nodded and hung his head. "It was on accident, though," he whined. Now the tears were staining my pelt. They flooded through and he looked as worried and scared as I did. "You could get exiled for that," I cried. He still hung his head low and I licked his cheek. "Your secret is safe with me, Twilight." We walked out of camp so he could tell me more.

He looked at me and said," I was out here alone and a bunch of Dark Pack wolves came into our side of the forest and attacked me. I went for one at a time. The first one I went for I bit his neck a little too hard and blood welled out of him. I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch. His body went still and I freaked out. By then the other wolves had ran away. It really was an accident," he cried. I nodded. It wasn't his fault. He turned to face me and said," Thank you so much for understanding!" I just looked down.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him but all's I saw was a blurry figure because tear were welling in my eyes. "What will happen if you get exiled? I won't have a best friend. Why?" He looked at me. "Listen, as long as we don't see the wolves that attack me it'll be fine. And you won't tell anyone, right?"he asked. I nodded shakily. He licked my cheek and I felt my skin get hot even though it was winter.

We walked back in camp and he got back to training Blaze. I walked up the spiral rock and went in my cave. Mother gave me a worried look and said," What's wrong? You've been crying haven't you?" I nodded still blurry and went up to snuggle my mother. Father came in and snuggled me too. We were one big happy family. Maybe no one will figure out about Twilight killing that wolf. At that moment Night ran in covered in blood, dripping red on the cave floor. We ran over and he fainted.

~Author's Note~

I worked hard on this one and it should leave you in suspense!^_~

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