"Oh honey. You only have yourselves to blame for all of that." I said with a nonchalant shrug.

Reports of Demons, true denizens of Darkness, have finally been filtering through the Guild grapevine. According to the otherwise vague reports, sightings of Demons are more prominent in the East than they have been in a millennia. It was a sobering thought for me, but there was nothing I could do about it.

The Wall wasn't just a gateway to the afterlife for the dead. It also functioned as the border line between Darkness and Light. Guarding against the horrific and terrifying nightmares that both plagued human and supernatural minds alike. But I was only one person, one soul that maintained the Wall. I couldn't protect the living realm from everything. Things slipped through the cracks, and honestly, it's not my fucking mess to clean up. I wasn't the one who created this fucking shit show. It was Taika and her sociopathic friends. They can deal with the fallout of their actions. I don't have to do shit.

"Demons have been terrorizing the Clans to the East! Covens have already fallen to their mindless lust for destruction, and the Eastern Clan Councils are besides themselves. Soon they will travel West and chaos and death will be in their wake, and it's all because of you!"

That barb hit too close to home. I covered my inward wince with a ball of anger. With barely a thought, I summoned my dark magic and with the flick of my wrist I sent Taika flying. She smacked into the wall with an 'oof', her eyes widening with panic as I nailed her there. I stalked towards her, cocking back my fist as I made her corporeal just long enough to cold-cock her right in the nose. Taika screeched in pain, squirming in my phantom hold as her now none corporeal nose gave a satisfying crunch. Now her face was just as fucked up as the rest of her. I didn't bother to hide my satisfaction at that.

Try speaking all prim and proper now bitch.

"Like I said. The only ones to blame for all that bullshit is you. Get off your fucking high horse and see the heaping pile of shit you've dumped on the world, and then maybe I just might fix your nose." I told her coldly.

I released my dark magic, enjoying its heady buzz for a second before dispersing it completely. Damn that felt good.

I turned away from Taika, returning to the mirror to straighten out my appearance. Today was Yasmina's birthday, and after all the old hag has done for me at least she deserves me looking decent for the celebration. I loathed to join the party, my lone wolf persona reigning strong, but I owed Yasmina. So here I was dressed in a sleek, black dress and taming any fly away hairs in my tight braided bun at the nap of my neck.

The dress used to be a favorite of Luna's. The silk accentuated my baby bump, growing breasts and ass but was modest enough that it covered all the goods. The fabric flowed to my feet, the spaghetti straps holding it onto my body and the sweetheart neckline keeping my girls in check. Just because I was me, and there is always a viper in every nest, I strapped a thigh holster with its matching dagger to my right thigh. Other than that, the only other accessories on me were purely aesthetic.

My favorite ruby encrusted dagger necklace hung around my neck. Multiple silver hoops and diamond studs glimmered on my ears. Thin bands of silver wrapped around my fingers, my engagement ring standing out amongst them much to my longing. I will admit, I have a bit of a masochistic streak in me. I know I should take the damn thing off already, for closure or some shit like that, but I couldn't part with it.

Lucien had played an unimaginable role in my life. Gifting me with things I never even dreamed of to have. He had been my favorite person, besides Luna. Not even my ancient memories of the Quad can compare to the influence Lucien had on me. He had made me believe I could find true love, and the ring was all I had left of that besides heartbreak and bittersweet memories. And this fucking baby.

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