Chapter Eleven - BIANA

Start from the beginning

"How can you live a life when others' are being ruined?"

"You... live your life doing what you can to help those people. You shine your light into their darkness to make their day better. Your light makes my life worth living, so why shouldn't it make others feel the same way?"

He absently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and her heart flipped a dozen times over. "Is that your version of a pep talk, dear?"

"I'm not as good at them as Keefe is, but alas."

"I thought it was lovely."


"Think," he corrected, leaning down and kissing her. "Just like you are."

"Oh, come on, this is what I'm stuck with?" a familiar elf's voice said from behind them. "Sappy one-liners and heartwarming makeout sessions? As much fun as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass."

Biana and Dex turned to find Keefe—in a hideous shade of scarlet indigoober juice, no less—with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"'Stuck'?" repeated Biana.

"Yeah—Foster told me she, Marella, and Bangs Boy are going on some lame road trip; Fitzy is being dumped in the Forbidden Cities with Maruca and Stina; and Wylie and Linh are doing some mysterious mission assigned by the Council. So that leaves you, Dex, Jensi, and me. I'm thinking we can stay the night at Foxfire and have the biggest disco party—"

"What is your obsession with disco parties?" Biana interrupted, laughing.

"They're literally the awesomest thing humans have invented. I mean, I obviously haven't been to one, but I could really imagine it—and I bet we'd make the rest of the crew jealous once we tell them how much cooler we are."

Biana laughed again, but Dex huffed and pulled away.

Her smile fell. "What is it?"

"Nothing," he muttered.

Keefe grimaced. "I hate to break it to you, buddy, but you're not exactly known for hiding your emotions."

"Maybe that's because you're an Empath!"

"Or maybe you wear them on your sleeve—human saying, by the way. I heard it in a movie once. Although I don't know why humans think they can wear something abstract on their clothing. I mean, I'm all for teaching the prodigies other species' culture, but some of the stuff humans come up with is more than a little strange."

Biana held back an "Awwwwwwww"; Magnate Keefe was totally overthinking things in regards to his students.

Four years later, the idea of Principal Keefe Sencen still baffled her a bit. After all, she'd known Keefe since they were children, and he had never struck her as the teacher type. She'd heard him admit once that the decision had even surprised him.

Then again, none of them were doing what they thought they would with their lives. Biana had always secretly wanted to create her own designer line, but here she was, an Emissary, dealing with the everlasting elvin problems.

But there were some good surprises—like Dex. They—the idea of them—had shocked her too.

"Do you think everyone will be back for the wedding?" she asked Keefe, reaching for Dex's hand. As soon as he took it, she felt him stiffen. She turned to face her fiancé. "Okay, you need to tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing. I should go." He pulled back—yet again—held up his pathfinder, and leaped away.

Biana felt something inside her wilt, but a worried glance from Keefe had her forcing the smile she couldn't seem to get rid of back on her lips. It widened as Eternalia's crowd started murmuring "The Vacker's coming," but then, as the prejudiced elves parted, she saw her brother's aquamarine circlet and cape, and she realized everyone was talking about a different Vacker.

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