" Don't mention it Bella. Anyway, I have something to tell you. I've been dying to break this to you. ''

" wHat is it Alice? Are the Volturi coming for me? "

" No. This is something else worth a war. "

'' Victoria? Laurent? "

" oh Bella. Forget them! eNOUGH with the vampires who were planning to kill you. "

" then what is it?  YOu keep holding back what you are trying to say. "

" But I really don't know if I should tell you this Bella. Im afraid. "

" It depends on you if you want to tell me or not. Is Edward leaving me again? " Bella asked hopefully.

" No, no. But.,uh.. perhaps you can tell me something you want to? " ALice asked.

Bella straightened and found her opportunity to tell this to somebody. She is sure Alice won't get mad at her and that she would understand her.

" Actually I do ALice. This is killing me for about six months already. "

"Tell me Bella. And uh..by the way, jasper's telling me that you're having trouble with your feelings. especially when Carlisle's around. my husband is keeping his best to keep his thoughts away from edward. "

" Oh. jasper. (sighs). Of course, he noticed me. He has a gift. "

" Duh. So what now? "

" Alice...."

" Go on Bella. "

" I've been in love with Carl-----------isle. " bella broke off. her eyes were shiny with tears and she was sobbing. For six months, she had kept to herself the pain she had endured from seeing Carlisle with Esme. The confusion, and love.

" sssh Bella. Its alright. " Alice said while comforting her. But ALice's tone was somewhat like..happy and cheery. Bella silenced and glared at Alice.

" You are happy? You think it is funny? I'm a JERK for believing he loved me too. " bella cried.

" No. Not that way of course. I'm happy because----------------- "

" I LOVE HER TOO. '' A familiar, soothing gentle voice echoed in the forest. Branches and twigs snapping at his feet as he approached the pixie haired vampire sitting very still, her golden eyes glassy and surprised beside the girl with chocolate brown eyes and brunette hair. who was looking shocked and was trying to fight a smile.

" carlisle? " Alice stood up and glanced at Bella.

" Alice. "

" Carlisle, what did you say? " bella asked, tears streaming down her pale, albino face. In a flash, Carlisle was by her side caressing her cheek. Bella blushed and her heart was beating abnormally fast.

" Bella. I said I love you too. " CArlisle whispered in  her ear.

" Oh Really? I hope Im not dreaming. "

" No you're not Bella. " Carlisle murmured as he grinned.

Alice gasp. Causing Bella and Carlisle to look at her. Carlisle stiffened. Alice was having another vision. Alice stared blankly at the northern part of the forest for several seconds. It must have been about 40 seconds.

The forest was silent except for the chirping of birds high above the pine trees. Alice relaxed but then, her face turned into a worried expression and her forehead creased.

" What did you see Alice? " Bella asked.

" The Volturi. they're coming in the house in 2 minutes. They were very clever to snap a decision. They are going to kill edward. " Alice said

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