Chapter 5: Anger and Exhaustion Go Hand in Hand

Start from the beginning

  He was quiet right now, and that unnerved you. You didn't notice him move out of the corner of your eye either, so your best guess was that he was staring at you. Probably looking for something to complain about when it came to your physical appearance.

  You sat down with your food, only for him to make his decision. That decision being that you were shit at making food and that even "Formaggio could pull something better out of his rat's ass!"

  You winced from the volume of his complaints. 'Jeez, he's an even bigger asshole than Illuso was.' Today was going to be long and unbearable...

  He was closer than he was that night in the warehouse, and when he wasn't looking, you had a little peek. You wondered how he could even manage to yell, let alone speak. His death marks were bad too. Especially the one on his throat. Whatever it was, something had gone in one end and out the other, leaving a messy hole that was oozing blood. You didn't want to look into that hole, part of the inside of his throat already visible from here. The idea of looking through one end and out the other made what little breakfast you had seem less appetizing.

  Getting ready was difficult. If he wasn't complaining about how you were doing something, it was about something else. At this point you had tuned most of it out. You didn't care about the time Formaggio threw one of his dirty socks at him, or the time one of his teammates walked in on him while he was showering and refused to leave... and you most certainly didn't care that your room was a little bit untidy. It wasn't that bad, and had certainly been worse in the past.

"Who the fuck puts pillows UNDER the blankets when they make up a bed?! They go ON TOP!"

You deadpanned, making your way to leave. 'I could use some kind of miracle right about now...'

  But the universe is never that kind. So with a huff, you close your front door behind you and head to work, not even bothering to check if Ghiaccio was following you.


  If the walk to work was anything to go by, this will be the worst Monday you've ever had. Almost everything on the way pissed Ghiaccio off. Whether he decided passerbys were chatting too loudly, a restaurant you passed being awful from his experience, or he spotted some tourist wandering around. For better or worse, at least you were at work. The sooner you finished your deliveries the sooner you could move on with your day and get home. The sooner Ghiaccio would leave... based on the fact each of them only stayed for about a day.

"Good morning Mr. Rossi," you greeted your boss with the best smile you could muster.

"Ah," the man set down a box, "good morning (y/n). I wondered if you'd make it in okay."

You could almost feel Ghiaccio's presence behind you.

"What do you mean?" You questioned your boss.

"You haven't heard?" He asked back. "There's been a murder. It's all over the news now."

Your eyes widened.

  He began to place smaller packages into a large bag. "Happened on Thursday apparently. Sometime after you left. I know you came in on Friday, but I was worried you might not have made it home alright since the culprit is still out there."

"O-oh," you adjusted your shirt. "Thank you for your concern sir. I'm all in one piece. See?" You tried to give him a reassuring smile. 'In one piece' might be a stretch though.

"Is that why you gave me that small bonus Friday?" You hesitantly asked him.

"No, no," he assured you with a wave of his hands. "You've been doing an amazing job and I appreciate the help."

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