Chapter two

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I opened the door to the garden

Louis was hesitant to walk in

"It feels so dead in here, yet the whole place beams with life"

I sigh

"You were probably closer to haru than I was, so I'm sorry that this is hitting you so hard"

I take the hose and start filling the watering can

"I hope her ghost is haunting the garden, she loved it here"

He kneeled down on one leg, carefully holding a flower, and smelling it

"Haru was a generous person, keeping these plants afloat all by herself"

"I totally would've helped, but I couldn't handle two clubs, and I think haru liked being alone"

I moved to another flower bed

"I wish I helped more often"

Louis looked intensely at the flowers

"You know, I don't want to replace haru, but if you need to talk to someone, I'm always here, we can make this a daily thing"

He nodded

I continued to water the plants until my phone rang

It was mizuchi

"I got to take this"

I place the can down and walk over to the other side of the room

Mizuchi: "you're still out"

You: "mhm"

Mizuchi: "I accidentally left my bag out there, haha, would you mind grabbing it for me?"

You: sigh "sure"

Mizuchi "thanks!!"

She hung up

"I need to go grab something, I'll be back in no time so don't leave"

I wave goodbye then exit the garden


It was super dark out

It was about 9:30

The air was cold, so I rubbed my arms, walking to the bench where she left it


Were Running towards me

Before I can look back, I'm forced to kneel on the ground

large arms were wrapped around me

Piercing through my arm

I can feel the blood drizzling down my arm


I can't die like this

I just can't

Not by a carnivore

I tried wiggling out of the grip

But it was to strong

I wanted to cry,

Scream out for help

But I had no energy

Suddenly the arms around me loosened, and slowly started letting me go

Not without leaving huge cuts, all the way up to my elbow

I'm going to be scarred

Im never going to be able to forget this

Once the grip loosened enough, I nudged the culprit away, and hurried into the forest, hiding in a bush

I must've waited atleast half an hour in that bush before slowly walked back to the school without the bag


What will Louis think about this

I got attacked

I could've died

I should've died

I'm pathetic

i stare at the garden door for a a while

Until it slowly opens


We make eye contact, he can see my eyes watering

He then looks down at my arm that I was struggling to hold up

"Dear god what happened?"

I couldn't tell him what happened

"I went into the forest, her bag was super deep in there, I got scratched by the trees"

The cuts were claws

He knows

He'll call my bluff

But instead, he just nodded

And carried me into the garden, then into the garden shed

He placed me on the bed haru slept in

Then went to the shelves

"She had bandages here somewhere..Ah!"

He grabs a neatly wrapped bandage, then comes over to me, kneeling down once more

I pull up my sleeve, and he carefully wraps my arm

"Be careful for the next few days, don't strain yourself, and replace the bandage 3 times a day to not cause an infection"

He clips the bandage in then sighs

"You should've told me you were going outside, I would've came with you, then you might've not been harmed"

He gets up and crosses his arms

"You must be tired, I'll walk you to your dorm"


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