Ch. 2 Embarrassment

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Noah's Pov:
Lily's alarm went off, it's 5:00am and the school starts at 6:67am. I kinda felt like something was over my face it's was kinda making it hard to breathe... I lift my head up just to realize that at night I shoved my face into my female friend's chest. Ehghhhghhhhhhh. God why me?! I hope Lily doesn't hate me after this! I got off Lily and got off the bed and went to the shower. Once I was done, Lily was up.

Noah: Oh good morning Lily.

Lily: Good morning Noah. It seems like you woke up before me.

Noah: Yeah, it's kinda strange for me to wake up this early but your alarm woke me up.

Lily: Oh alright. You can wear any of my clothes.

Noah: Thanks Lily.

Lily: I'm gonna take a shower now. *walks into the bathroom*

Noah's Pov:
I was opening different drawers in Lily room till I found an outfit. I put on the clothes and went out of Lily's room so she can change in peace. I feels weird to be wearing my friend's clothes. Even though I dress feminine it still weird for me to be wearing a actually girl's clothes. To be honest I don't know what to think. I never know what to think it's just a endless place of thought that I have that just has me think about something for three seconds or more then forget about it. Why am I like this? Why? Why? Why? Why? W-

Lily: Noah?

Noah: Ah!

Lily: Wa!

Noah: Oh you scared me.

Lily: You scared me. So wanna eat at school or eat here?

Noah: To be honest I'm not hungry at all.

Lily: I'm also not hungry. Let's just go to school and walks round for a bit until school starts.

Noah: Alright that sounds cool. Do you think Hana will be in school today?

Lily: I'm pretty sure she will Noah.

Noah: Yay! I can't wait to see her.

Lily: Alright let's go. *walks off*

Noah: *Follows Lily*

Both kids existed out of the palace and got to the edge of the cloud the palace was on.

Lily: Wanna jump down or ride a carpet down?

Noah: Ummmm... What do you want to do?

Noah's Pov:

Please don't say jump, please don't say jump!

Lily: Let's jump down.

Noah's Pov:


Noah: Okay.

Lily: I'll hold your hand while falling.

Noah: Okay... *grabs Lily's hands*

Noah's Pov:

Lily started counting down from five.
Five... four... three... two...     one...
We jumped, I can feel the wind quickly rush over my body was we fell. I had my eyes close as I was scared to open them as we were falling. It kinda feels nice to feel the cool air to go against my face and body, it felt quite peaceful for some odd reason.

Both started to get closer to the ground, when they almost hit the ground Lily's black rose hair piece made a rose bubble underneath them so they wouldn't get impact from crashing to the ground. Once they both landed on the rose bubble, the bubble bloomed and faded away.

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