He hands it to me with a big smile on his face.

"Enjoy! Have a beautiful day."

"Thank you! Be safe and stay warm out here George!" I say walking away with a wave. For the 3 years I've been living in this neighborhood and coming to George's cart I have never paid for a coffee and he has never paid for a treat.

I walk with a goofy smile on my face the rest of the way finishing my muffin and enjoying the perfectly made coffee.

When I get to the bakery I'm greeted with the familiar smell of fresh breads baking and the familiar ring of the bell greeting everyone in the bakery.

"Good morning Marianna." My coworker and friend Elise greets.

"Good morning El." I say with a smile. She's not so much a coworker as an employee but I prefer coworker because she puts in just as much work as me. Hell she usually comes in earlier than I do.

"I can finish up wiping things down in the front if you want to check on what you have baking."

"Thanks, you know I hate cleaning." She says with a chuckle. I wipe down the two tables that have crumbs on them from the early bird locals. And wash my hands when I finish, returning behind the counter when a man comes in.

"Welcome to Baked with Love how may I help you?"

"Hello can I please get a half dozen chocolate frosted donuts and a cheese danish?"

"Mhm nice choice the danish pairs well with tea." I smile moving to box up his stuff.

"Heh I'll have to try it."

As I put his donuts in the box I rub my middle finger against my ring finger trying to ignore the tingly sensation coming from it.

Peter (Parker) POV
"W-w-woah sorry!" I could barely contain myself as I rush through the busy sidewalk, keeping my eyes peeled for anyone looking half as excited and nervous as I am. I keep walking forward following the growing sensation almost playing a game of hot and cold. Until I end up outside of a cute little bakery. I know now. I know my mate is in there. I can feel it. I don't hesitate and burst through the doors looking around until I see her.

"Wow." I breathily whisper to myself. I drink in her appearance. Gorgeous deep brown hair. The most striking green eyes and a smile that could end wars. She is the definition of beauty. And she's my mate. What do I even say? What if she rejects me? Oh God did I remember to brush my teeth this morning?! I internally panic. What would Tony do? Do the opposite of that and you'll be okay. Oh I can't wait to tell the others I found our mate! Move your body Peter! She's going to think you're crazy.

Marianna POV
I finish giving the man his change and look to see who entered.

"Wow." I think to myself. Suddenly my mark begins burning and I know this person is my mate and is trying to connect the bond.

"Before I accept your bond- which I do want to do, I want to tell you that.. I have 17 other soul marks so if you want to reject me.. you can." I say trying to hide my sadness and fear. He moves up to the counter looks me in the eyes and says, "accept it."

I smile my biggest smile ever and feel a happy tear roll down my cheek as I accept our bond moving around the counter and throwing my arms around him.

"I hope this is okay. I just couldn't help myself." I say feeling my mate against me for the first time. He's so warm. And he smells like cinnamon.

"It's more than okay." He says wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer to him. We stand there just hugging each other not caring about the world around us.

"Um who the fuck are you and why are you hugging my friend like that perv?!" I feel myself being pulled away from Peter. It feels like torture I want to feel his touch again. I look to see a defensive Elise. I see her lift her leg, I know what she's about to do.

"WAIT!" Her foot stops just inches away from his crotch just in time.

"HES MY MATE! Shit I didn't mean to yell that, but don't hurt him he's my mate." Her eyes widen in shock and then soon turn to horror as she realizes she almost assaulted her friends mate.

"Jeez man sorry, you see a random man you've never seen before hugging your friend and you do what you've gotta do. All logic is out of the window, protection mode is on." She says flipping a fake switch and laughing.

"It's okay! It's good to see my mate has someone who cares enough about her to do that!" My mate says with a toothy grin.

"So do you think I could know your name?" My mate says to me looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'm Marianna Yanis. What's your name?" Asking out of habit knowing whose standing in front of me, who doesn't know the amazing Spider Man.

"I'm Peter Parker."

"Well Peter Parker would you like a banana muffin? They're my favorite."

I ask hoping he says yes wanting to spoil him already.

"I would love one! You made them right?"

"Yup the banana muffins are all me." I say moving to get him one.

"Thank you so much!" He says and eagerly bites into the muffin like he's never had a muffin before. Poseidon he's so cute. He groans into his bite and closes his eyes.

I laugh at his reaction.

"Yo-ur lauggh is beauiful." Peter says through a stuffed mouth. His cheeks turning pink.

"Sorry ha. Should swallow first." He says still looking slightly embarrassed rubbing the back of his head.

"This is really good by the way. The best muffin I've ever had. Thank you."

"You're very welcome Peter I'm so glad you like it." I say blushing and looking down. He tries to hand me some money but I immediately turn him down.

"Please let your mate feed you free of charge." I say with a smile.

"I love hearing you call yourself my mate. But are you sure? This is a business after all." Peter questions.

"I'm positive. I own this bakery." I declare proudly.

He raises his eyebrows slightly. "Wow that's impressive! My mate is amazing!"

"Thank you, but I've definitely had a lot of help. I couldn't have done it without the people in my life." I look over at El and smile.

"So." I say slightly nervous but move closer to Peter. I have to ask.

"Why were you so okay with accepting the bond knowing how many mates I have?"

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