❤Satan×Reader II❤

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You were bored out of your mind and wanted to take a walk around town since you just came back from devil dom. You wanted to explore the human realm once again since you've been away for so long. "ne~ something on your mind?" you heard a voice say. You turned around and you forgot that Asmodeus was with you. "Oh, nothing," you said. "(Mc)?" Asmo said worried about you. "Look, it's fine Asmo, you don't need to worry about me," you said. "Okie, but if you need anything asmo-chan is here for you (Mc) mwah♡, see you later darling~," Asmo said as he left. "Now, what should I do?" you said as you looked around the busy street.

Just across the street, a cat cafe is located, Isn't that the place where Satan works before, I wonder if he's there today, might as well check it out, you thought to yourself as you cross the street and went to the cat cafe. "Welcome," one of the maids who work there said. "Oh, thank you," you said. "This way please," she said as she led you to one of the tables. "Here's the menu," she said as she handed you the cute menu. "Listen, I--I'm not here to order," you said as you put down the menu. "Oh, then what did you come here for?" she said. For some reason, her tone of voice changed into a more terrifying one compared to before. It sends a shiver down your spine.

"I--I'll order something," you said terrified. So you had no choice but to order since you were afraid that the staff would kick you out. As you were waiting for the food to arrive, you received a text message from Satan, it read as: '(Mc), where are you, I can't find you anywhere, I was thinking that maybe we could go somewhere, please message me when you get this. I thought that D.D.D. only works in the devil dom so why am I suddenly getting messages from Satan, you thought to yourself as you wondered how it works in the human realm.

"Maybe, I should try calling Satan," you said as you called the avatar of wrath, "Just as I thought it only works in the devil dom," you said as you placed your D.D.D. inside your pocket. "Well, there goes my luck," you said as you turned your D.D.D off. You looked outside of the window and saw Satan looking for you. Isn't that him, why is he in the human realm? You questioned yourself.

Your order soon arrived and the maid left you to indulge yourself. you kept your gaze at Satan, without noticing that the drink that you ordered spilled onto your clothes. "I spilled my drink, how did that happen?" you said as you grabbed the tissue from one of the tissue boxes and tried to wipe it off. "Dang it, it won't come off, I'm screwed this was my favorite," you said as you tried to remove the stain.

"Hey, are you ok?" you heard a voice say. You look up and saw Satan. "Oh, Satan, I'm fine it's not that much," you said. "But your clothes are ruined, let me help you wipe all that stain off," Satan said. "No, it's fine, you don't need to worry about me," you said. "But, I'm worried, you weren't answering my message, I thought something has happened to you (Mc)" Satan said. So he was worried about me you thought to yourself. "Come on, let's get out of this place and go somewhere, I'll pay for the bill," Satan said. "You're not coming back?" the maid who serve you earlier said. "I'm sorry, no" Satan replied.

Did these two, know each other? you thought to yourself. "I see, you were the best staff we had," she said. "I know but I'm sorry, I have to go" Satan replied as he paid for your bill and both of you left the place. "Why don't you come back to that cafe?" you said. "(Mc)?" Satan said. "Well, you look like you were having fun working there," you said.

"How do you know that I was working there?" Satan asked you. "Well, I uh just happened to know that's all," you said. It's not true though, you couldn't say that you saw him there before. Satan smiled gently at you. "I was having fun myself but I couldn't just leave you," Satan said as he gently caress your cheek. "Wh--why not?" you asked. "It's because I need you by my side (Mc) and I couldn't just leave you be, You're very important to me," Satan said as he gently lean forward and kissed you on your lips.

"Come on, I know a place where we can go together," Satan said as he gently ask for your hand. He is like a prince that you see in fairytales. Kind, sweet and will always be there for you aside from the fact that he is the avatar of wrath. You haven't seen him getting angry, you once asked Asmo what happens if Satan gets mad for real.

Asmo told you that the world will end if Satan ever gets mad. So it's best to have him on your good side. "(Mc), is there something wrong?" Satan asked you. "Nothing" you replied as you find yourself with Satan in one of those petting zoos. "So this where you wanna take me?" you asked Satan. "Yes, aren't they cute~," Satan said as he pets one of those cute cats. Aww, Satan loves cats, you thought to yourself as you observe Satan from afar.

You're not a cat person, but every time you see Satan petting all those cats made you realize that cats weren't that bad. A cute white cat with blue eyes, approaches you, you kneel and tried to pet it and the cute cat agreed, it lay on its back wanted you to pet it. "Aww, you're so cute, your fur so soft and fluffy," you said as you pet the cat. "Huh, that's odd, usually snowball doesn't want others to touch him but he let you," the caretaker said.

"Aww, that's adorable~," you said as you keep on petting snowball. "(Mc), do you mind if I pet him next?" Satan asked you. "Oh, you mean snowball, go ahead," you said as you let Satan pet him but before he can, he hissed at him. "What's wrong, don't you like me?" Satan said as he keep trying to pet snowball but he refused. "I don't think he likes me," Satan said.

You pick the white cat up, "Don't you like him?" you said as you carried him into your arms. "You're so cuutee~," you said. "(Mc), thanks for allowing me to take you here," Satan said as he gently kiss you on your cheek. You smiled gently at him, "Hey, you forgot something?" you said. "Huh, what?" Satan asked you. "This," you said as you stole a kiss from Satan's lips that caught him off guard. "(Mc)?" Satan said, "you're welcome, come on let's go back to devil dom," you said as you held Satan's hand and went back to devil dom.

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