Chapter 45: What's Wrong With Me?

Start from the beginning

I quickly silenced my racing thoughts.

I took a deep breath in, and out.

"And you... said yes" I stared at the brick wall behind Yeonjun.

From the corner of my eye I could see Yeonjun lift his gaze.

There it is.

I was right again.


My eyes quickly moved onto Yeonjun.

"I'll admit. It was tempting, he offered to... pay for my grandma's debt entirely."

Yeonjun suddenly shot me a warm smile, "But you've always told me everything comes with a catch with him, right?".

I mentally stepped back.

He actually took my words into consideration...

-Did he mention his grandma?

I had no idea something had happened to her.

Knowing Minho, he'd be able to buy or pay for anything....

Of course, only if he wanted.

I tried imagining being in Yeonjun's place.

I would've accepted the offer in a heartbeat-

But Yeonjun missed this big opportunity... and for what? Is it his pride?

We sat down at a bench.

"Wait- Did you assume I said yes??" Yeonjun suddenly realized.

I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Wow, you think so low of me..." Yeonjun said, now in a much more kidding tone.

His playfulness made a chuckle erupt from me.

It felt so nice,

-To genuinely crack up at a time that seemed so cold.

I could feel the warmth come back.

From the apples of my cheeks,

To the sides of my face, down my arms.

I felt okay.

"I've been wanting to tell you about it for some time now,
-but you always seem so busy" Yeonjun told me.

I felt bad for having purposely avoided him.

I didn't want to meddle into anything, but my curiosity got the best of me...

So... I asked him more about his grandma, and he told me everything I had missed:

How mysterious her debt was and how badly it would affect his family.

And how odd it was for Minho to know everything before he himself even knew-

"I want to help" I tried being serious.

"You could help me with that Math test coming up..." Yeonjun joked around.

I nudged him, "Not that type of help, I mean, I want to help you with your grandma. Seriously."

Yeonjun got quiet.

I could visibly see him try to put words together.

He rested his elbows on his knees.

I could sense the tenseness growing in him, it was almost as if it was radiating off of him.

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