Bloopers #14: Chapter 27 & 28

Start from the beginning

At the Gym:
Darwin: "Let's do this."
Tony: "Don't think Geo will be okay?"
Darwin: "Yeah, I know him. He'll handle this."
At the Cabin:
Frogadier (Geo): "I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!"
Honedge (Jayden): *Hugs Geo* "You'll be okay. Trust me, it's not so bad."
Nashly: "You know what, you tried to kill with that attack of yours."
Raichu (Logan): "It's self-defense! You won't get it."
Nashly: "It isn't self-defense!"
Frogadier (Geo): *Indescribable pain* "GGGGRRRRHHHH!"
Gabite (Mateo): "Or...Maybe this is not okay."

Litleo (Sebastian): "I'm going to get you, you damn Weepinbell!"
*A Weepinbell was prepared to dodge.*
Tony: "Sebastian! Watch out!"
Litleo (Sebastian): "What?"
*A Weepinbell moved out the way as Sebastian fall.*
Litleo (Sebastian): "Ow! Damn that hurt!"
Tony: "Ramos, that's not fair.
Ramos: "It is now."

Nashly: "I'm not telling you shit!"
Sylveon (Serena): "Well. We're not going to let you get away with it!"
Honedge (Jayden): "Geo, this isn't getting anywhere. Uh, Geo?"
Frogadier (Geo): "Zzzzzz..."
Floette (Bridgette): "AAAHHH!"
Honedge (Jayden): "Shit!"
Gabite (Mateo): "I forgot! He didn't sleep last night!"
Pangoro (Budo): "Well, that's just great!"
Gabite (Mateo): "Jayden, it's your turn to do this!"
Honedge (Jayden): "Me?! No way in hell I'm doing this!"
Gabite (Mateo): "Jayden! Look at him! He's exhausted! How are we going to do without finishing the story?!"
Sylveon (Serena): "Will you two stop fighting and deal with the story already?!"
Gabite (Mateo): "Okay! Jeez!"
Honedge (Jayden): "You're lucky I can't attack you!"

Monferno (Stella): "I'm back!"
All except Geo: "..."
Monferno (Stella): "...Why are you all silent?"
Nashly: "Let me go, you far-"
*Daniel use Rock Slide.*
Nashly: "Hey! Why you cun-"
Tyrunt (Daniel): "Don't say the awful word!"
Monferno (Stella): "Wait. Where's Geo? It's his turn."
Raichu (Logan): "About that..."
*Julian points at Geo sleeping at the left side of the room.*
Monferno (Stella): "Oh my God!"
Floette (Bridgette): "Yeah! Oh my God indeed!"
Monferno (Stella): "Then who's going to deal the story now?"
Honedge (Jayden): "I'll won't do it. I don't know what Geo will do..."

Duosion (Grace): "Hi Stella!"
Monferno (Stella): "Hey...Grace."
Duosion (Grace): "What's with the awkward greetings?"
Monferno (Stella): "Well.."
*Stella point at Geo, sleeping.*
Duosion (Grace): "Oooohhhh...That's why."

What? Litleo is evolving!
Congratulations! Litleo evolved into a Pyroar!
Pyroar (Sebastian): "YEAH! I did it!"
Elizabeth: "Yeah!"
Ramos: "Your Litleo is now a Pyroar, congratulations!"
Tony: "Bud, how does it feel?"
Pyroar (Sebastian): "Honestly, it was way better than being a Litleo because it suck like I was nothing like a damn lion cub."

Honedge (Jayden): "I don't think it will work."
Gabite (Mateo): "You're right."
Pangoro (Budo): "I need to come up with something else."
Raichu (Logan): "Why not ask Zack? He was an illusion ability."
(Zack is a Zoroark which is Elizabeth's. Another Zoroark is Dominic which is Darwin's.)
Sylveon (Serena): "Yes, we can do that...But he won't because he's too lazy to do it."
Raichu (Logan): "Okay, never mind."
Honedge (Jayden): "Wait, we also have a Zoroark."
Gabite (Mateo): "Oh, Dominic! Gosh, why have we not think of that?"
Monferno (Stella): "Yeah..."
Duosion (Grace): "Why haven't you think about that?..."
Gabite (Mateo): "Shut up."
10 Minutes Later:
Gabite (Mateo): "I got him. He is always in his Ultra Ball."
Honedge (Jayden): "Well then, open it."
*Mateo throws a Ultra Ball at the air. Then, Dominic, a Zoroark appeared.*
Zoroark (Dominic): "Well well well. Look who decides to want me to come out for my Pokeball. Mateo and Jayden."
Honedge (Jayden): "Okay Dominic. We need your help."
Zoroark (Dominic): "Oh! Now you need my help. You know this wouldn't be so surprised if you think for-MMMMM!"
Gabite (Mateo): "Listen here you son of a bitch. Neither you shut up and deal with the story or you'll wake Geo."
Zoroark (Dominic): "Mmmh?"
*Mateo points at Geo, sleeping. Then he removes his hand off of Dominic's mouth.*
Zoroark (Dominic): "I...I didn't know he's-"
Honedge (Jayden): "So you're helping us or not?"
Zoroark (Dominic): "Alright, what do you want me to do?"
Gabite (Mateo): "You want to turn yourself into Geo."
Zoroark (Dominic): "Fine."
*Dominic jumps and swirls as he turns himself to Geo.*
Zoroark/Frogadier (Dominic): "I can't believe I'm doing this."
Honedge (Jayden): "Here, you have to wear his glasses."
Zoroark/Frogadier (Dominic): *Snatch the glasses from Jayden* "Thanks."
Honedge (Jayden): "Your welcome."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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