"You're a piece of shit! I HATE YOU!" Sam yells, "IF THIS IS WHAT YOU DO WHEN I FINALLY FIND PEOPLE I LOVE, I THINK YOU JUST WANT ME TO BE LIKE THIS! Depressed! You want me to be the PERFECT girl who shows no emotions and when she does it can only be HAPPINESS? Do you know how fake my smile is! I only feel it as real for once when I'm with Deena. Simon and Kate also."

She sighs, cuddling onto the stuffed teddy bear Deena had gave her as her tears soak it. She looks at the photo and even though Deena was in her house down the street, even though Deena wasn't actually in the same room to hug her, hold her, kiss her, cuddle her, to tell her it would be okay, even with those circumstances, Sam still felt safe seeing the photo of Deena.

She put it next to her, on the teddy bear as she got into bed, not getting out of Deena's multicolored sweater. It smelt like her, and Sam adored that.

Eventually, with everybody falling asleep, the night went on, rain still pouring, even pouring down still when Simon had woke up.

Hungover Simon waking up first was not good at all, as he would either break something, forget what days he had to work, or he would wake the others up. "What the fuck?" he grumbles, his hand flopping down as he stood up, getting a horrible headache. He walked to the kitchen, looking for something to eat, until he feels the need to throw up. He runs upstairs and into the bathroom, puking all over the toilet.

He recalls the one time— technically two times where he threw up on Deena. The first time was when they first met, first grade. It was the end of the year party and there was a ton of snacks, and Simon, Kate and Deena were in line, making their food. Simon put too much chocolate syrup on his ice cream but then proceeded to fill it to the brim with m&ms, and after he had finished it, he puked rigbt on Deena. Both had finished their ice cream, but Kate hadn't, and she honestly didn't have an appetite after witnessing that.

The teachers had ran over to them, but Deena was so disgusted she stepped back and went tumbling down the hill, falling into the field. Simon laughed so hard at it he fell onto Kate, but Kate was just finished with her ice cream, so when Simon fell on top of her by the trash can, she went flying into it.

It was a hilarious day for them all, but at the time Kate was so pissed she purposely tripped Simon on the black top. He got scratches and he was going to blame Kate for it but he knew her mom would actually get really mad at her, so he just said he tripped over his shoe laces.

He still has a scar from that. So does Deena, because when she fell down the hill, she hit this gigantic fucking rock and it grazed the side of her head and under her armpit, as she was wearing a tank top that day. The second time, he managed to throw up on Deena, and get some on Kate also.

The second time was his second time ever getting drunk, but he drank wayy too much, so Deena gave him a bucket and he got it all in, but then he slipped on it and his barf went flying all over Deena, and some on Kate too.

That time was just purely gross.

Simon somehow managed to throw up so loudly, he woke up Kate. "Simon, how the FUCK do you manage to throw up like you're SCREAMING!?"

Her yelling woke Deena up, scaring the shit out of her. She grabs for the blanket she was under, until she realized it was just Kate there. "What the fuck!?"

"Okay, well if you're going to blame anybody, blame him!" she yells, pointing to the blonde boy as he trips down the stairs, "he woke me up first."

Deena tries to get up, but she trips over her blanket, falling right onto Kate. "Ow, you son of a bitch Deena!" she groans. Simon walks back over, his eyes shut, expecting to just fall onto the air mattress next to Kate like he had woken up, but he falls onto Deena as she tries to get up, making a pile.

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