The Tonight Show

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Tara's P.O.V
It is now Friday morning and me and Bree are right now on our way to the place where they film the The tonight show.
We are both so excited yet nervous

A producer from the show came up to us once we got inside
"Tara, Bree. This way to your dressing room." She said for us to follow her
Once we got there, we realized that our outfits were already layed out for us. For us both, this was our very first interviews so we were pretty nervous

My outfit was a navy blue dress with wavy sleeves and Brees outfit was a purple dress with a black jacket to wear over it. We looked incredible in our outfits.

We got ready and head out of our dressing room and saw a stage director heading into our direction
"Tara, Bree. We need you two to get back stage to get miked up" A stage producer said
"Ok" I said

We followed her to a dimly lit corner and we could actually hear Jimmy Fallons voice from the stage.
We had makeup people and a lady who had previously hid our wires to our headsets, surprisingly worked with us to finish getting ready to head onto the stage.

Me and Bree both have butterflies in our stomach, me over her though.
"Your on in 10" The lady said to us
We nodded our heads to her and looked at each other with fear in our eyes. We were both a nervous reck
We both got butterflies in our stomachs
We both take a breath and walked onto the stage waving to the audience and Jimmy stood up to greet us.

We both waved to the audience and then both hugged Jimmy and sat in our seats
"Welcome you two!!" Jimmy said
"We are delighted to be here" I said
"I'm so happy to be here as well" Bree said
"I heard that this is your very first interview" Jimmy said to us
"This is. I was really nervous before coming out but being here with my best friend makes a whole lot of a difference. She really knows what she's doing" Bree said
"What about you Tara? How are you feeling" Jimmy asked
"Uh.........Tara?" Jimmy asks
I realized that I completely blanked off into space and finally answered the question
"Oh, uh, sorry. I completely blanked off into space. I was actually a nervous reck before coming on here. I had goosebumps all over my body and I also had butterflies swirling around my stomach" I said putting my hand on my stomach
"And how are you feeling now?" Jimmy asks me
"I am doing much better. I feel confident and prepared to answer any questions" I said
"Well I thought that we should get to know you guys better now that you two are here" Jimmy said

"Alrighty" we both said as the same time and laughed after
"So Tara, I was talking to your mom" Jimmy said
"Oh no" My face went legit dead serious, like no joke.
Everyone laughed
"And she told me about a certain crush that you have" Jimmy said
"Crush? What crush? I have no crush" I said confusingly
Who the heck is my mother talking about at a moment like this?
"She told me that he is your boyfriend" Jimmy added
Oh now I'm pissed
"I am not dating anyone" I said
"So you have no clue who he's talking about" Bree said to me
"No. I have no idea" I said
I thought for a few hot minutes until one person circled my mind
"Oh dear lord no" I almost said but just held it in
My face started to get red. I tried to hold it in and not let it out
"You. Are. Funny" I said lending out a laugh
"I need to go backstage for a minute" Bree said as Jimmy stood up surprisingly

"I'm sorry. I got a late call on my Mic" Bree whispered to me, nobody else could hear what she said
"Give it up for Bree Mauro" He said as everyone clapped and Bree waved and left
Now its just me. I am not ready
I am a nervous reck as I sit back down and put my hand over my stomach again
"Now, should we say who your crush is" Jimmy say
"I literally just said that I don't have a crush" I said as I laughed
Oh god. Dear lord help me
Ok. I do have a small crush on someone but it has been a while since I had a crush
"Its Robert Irwin!" Jimmy said
The crowed laughed, clapped and gasped at the same time
I literally got embarrassed that I covered my eyes in my hands
"In my defense, I haven't had a crush on him in such a long time. 8 years to be exact" I said
"Uh uh sure" Jimmy teased
Ok, now I'm officially pissed!!
"So your mom also told us that you love the Irwins and even plan to go to the Australia zoo one day, is that correct?" Jimmy asks
"Is this like Mock Trial? Then yes sir" I joked
"Me and my mom would watch Its The Irwins and when Robert comes onto the screen my mom looks at me and says 'its your boyfriend's and I blushed" I said
Oh no! I did not just say that
"That's adorable" Jimmy joked
"No its not!!" I said
"Anyway...We actually have a surprise for you" Jimmy said
I hate surprises!!!
Then I realized....oh god no
"Everybody please welcome to the stage, The Irwins" Jimmy said
Oh dear lord. God help me
My eyes widened as I blushed hard
Oh no!!
"Oh dear lord" I whispered to myself, not loud enough for my Mic to catch it
I saw Bindi, Robert, Chandler and Terri come walking out all in uniform. I love those uniforms
My eyes immediately went straight to Robert. Apparently he was already looking at me and his cheeks were pink I tell you
As they were all hugging Jimmy, I didn't know what to do
I brushed off stuff that was on my shirt. Turns out that it was nothing
When I raised my head back up to look at Jimmy, Robert was standing right in front of me

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