"Why are you even bothered?!" Ellie snapped.

    "Why did you snog?!"

    "Cubby's just loved by everyone." Remus interrupted, leaning over smugly to peck Ellie on the cheek as he threw his arm over the back of her chair.

If looks could kill, Sirius would've murdered him ten times over.

    "I think I might hurl." He hissed, hoping his obvious disgust would waver the pair's confidence, but his words didn't quite have the desired effect.

    "Get over yourself." Ellie scoffed, throwing him a crude hand gesture for good measure, but before Sirius could retort, McGonagall had called the beautiful girl out for inappropriate behaviour and docked five points from Gryffindor.

After that, all three of them were forced to actually get on with the lesson.

By the end of Transfiguration, Peter was very much desperate to rush to James' side. Caught in between the arguing and stomach churning tension thereafter, he wanted to be as far from the three as possible. In fact, he'd nearly thrown up on Sirius when he'd caught sight of Ellie pressing a kiss to Remus' cheek later on in the lesson and had remained an ugly shade of green ever since.

Being first out of the classroom meant that Peter met an unexpected visitor on his own, actually nearly crashing into her as she leaned against the wall by the door. He floundered for a moment, eyes shooting wide, before rounding on the spot in the attempts to warn his friends of what they were going to be greeted with, but he was too slow. Flora Buchanan had seen him too and so he could hardly run away. With an awkward half smile, he shuffled to stand by her side as he waited for the others (refusing to say hello or even get too close). Flora didn't seem to mind though, craning her neck around him as other students filed out of the classroom.

James was first out, for he too had dashed as quickly from his seat as possible so that he could finally leave Lily's side. The messy haired boy made the exact same expression that Peter had done upon seeing the fifth year and dropped his gaze as he moved towards his friend. The two boys seemed to be able to communicate their mild annoyance silently - Flora appearing here would no doubt set Ellie and Sirius off arguing again. Which was, of course, exactly right, and Ellie physically recoiled when she spotted Sirius' girlfriend by the door.

Half of her wanted to tell Flora how bothered he'd been about her kissing Remus, just to watch her self-superiority crumble, but the better part of her kept quiet.

Instead, the beautiful girl simply set herself as far away from Flora as possible, and the other three boys all shifted to stand with her across the corridor. Sirius looked beyond confused when he emerged from the classroom to see them huddled together as if they were about to begin a turf war, but it didn't take long for him to understand why.

    "Siri!" Flora cooed, and his whole body went rigid. Still stuck in the doorway, Sirius didn't dare get any closer to the fifth year, but that didn't matter, because she was clinging onto his arm in seconds. Everything in him wanted to shove her off, the belt around the waist of his trousers no longer feeling as if it was done up tight enough, "Where on earth have you been? I've not seen you for ages."

    "It's been just over a day." Sirius grunted in reply, flinching when her hands started to rub up and down his arms.

    "And that's too long, silly!" Flora was on her tip toes, trying to get her face as close to his as possible, clinging on as if he'd bolt any second. Sirius would have if he could, but instead, she grabbed a hold of his chin, "Come here."

    "I don't want to watch this." Ellie grumbled from across the corridor as Flora went to press her lips against his, and as much as Sirius was still frustrated with the beautiful girl, he almost thanked her out loud for distracting his so-called girlfriend.

good things fall apart • sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now