"Since you won't give him the satisfaction, you're gonna open your stupid mouth and answer me right now!" Zenitsu fumed. "What the fuck is your problem? Huh? You think you wasted your dumb ankle on his life? I'll break the other one right now, I don't care!" He paused to breathe, and grew even more infuriated when Inosuke didn't butt in. He just looked like a deer in headlights. "Say something, dammit!"

   For the first time, Inosuke was terrified of Zenitsu. He'd never considered him to be a threat before. He gulped. "....I...I'm not worth his time..." he murmured. His body was cold with shame, but he could feel his blood pulsing through his fingertips.

   "No shit you're not! You don't treat him right! You haven't said thank you once this whole time?? You haven't said anything? After everything he's done for you?" He gestured towards Tanjiro. "You see how he's not even flinching while I yell? That's how fucking overworked he is! And you can't even do anything but sit there! You know he was injured too, right? We all came from the same damn mission!"

   Inosuke swallowed. "I thought...I thought he would think I was stupid. I got my ass beat and I couldn't even keep him from getting hurt. And now I look even dumber because I can't do anything on my own. My muscles are shrinking, I look like shit—I'm just a problem." He gripped his comforter, hands shaking. "I can't stand him seeing me like this..."

   "That's it? You get your ego bruised a little and you shut down entirely?? You dense asshole... You know Tanjiro shielded you with his body while you were out? He was gonna die for you. He was willing to die for you! See, I know that and I wasn't even awake for it. Nezuko told me. But you wouldn't know because you never even asked! You know what, you're lucky it's the middle of the day right now because she'd be even more pissed than I am!"

   Inosuke felt a little faint. He knew he had messed up big time, and it hurt to hear. But he had to listen. It was the only way he might be able to fix things. He couldn't be passive about it anymore. It was all in his hands.

   "All this time, he's been thinking you were livid with him. And you know why? He thinks you're mad because you temporarily gave up your ankle to keep him from dying. Let that sink in. He thinks that you think your fucking ankle is worth more to you than his life! He thinks he's the dirt under your nails in your eyes! So he's been here, being your nurse, being your entertainment, being your goddamn servant, to make up for it. And you've just been sitting around, letting him. What do you want him to do, grovel at your feet?"

   Inosuke felt a hitch in his chest. If Zenitsu yelled at him any longer, he was sure he was going to cry. He felt so ashamed of everything he'd done. Or rather, hadn't done. He wished he was wearing his mask so he could hide.

   "Do you know what kind of damage you're doing to him?? You know how much he likes you? You know what—how much he loves you?? He was gonna die out there to save you, pig boy! And now you won't even speak to him?! Any other person would have given up on your arrogant ass, but lucky for you, he's a goddamn angel, so he's been there for you no matter what you do to him. And you've just been taking advantage of that kindness and kickin' your little feet back and relaxing while he does everything for you! You missed his entire fucking birthday and he just defended you for it! Ohh, Inosuke's just tired! He's been working so hard on his exercises! I'm so proud of him, just let him sleep! That sound familiar to you? Huh?"

   Inosuke had started to cry by now. His tears were so hot it felt like they were searing through his skin. The rest of his body felt cold and empty, and it was almost as if he was sinking into his mattress.

   "Thanks for opening up to me about wanting a boyfriend, but with this kind of attitude, you're gonna die alone! Not even that stupid pretty face can save your ass! So drop the shit, Inosuke! Hell, I—I even told you how kissing works and you're just gonna give up and decide to be an asshole? I laid it all out for you! I set you two up so you could slow dance together! I'm trying to be the best wingman I can and you just wasted all my efforts? Over one stupid mission?!"

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