Chapter 2- Rum

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Very soon the battle was won, slavers were dead or driven away by a rally of the local islanders launching pots and pans at any who remained to flee, they crowded and cheered for the Narnian crew who now travelled back towards the docks where their great ship was.

Caspian smiled and waved but his mind hadn't strayed from their unknown saviour.

"Ahem." Edmund cleared his throat, and the young king turned in the direction his companion nodded.

The mysterious woman was lazily rifling through some crates and barrels that had been displaced during the battle. No one paying her much attention as she drew her hat down low, eyeing the wares like a merchant herself.

Caspian found himself marching over without much control over his legs.

"I don't think that belongs to you." He drawled, causing the the leather brim to tilt up from the merchandise, it's feather plume ruffling in the breeze.

The set of jewel green eyes glinted with challenge as they briefly stopped their roving to settle upon him intensely, "Well, since you interrupted my breakfast, my lord," she added with a mock tilt of her head, before continuing, "and since I happened to save you and your man's life" she grinned at Edmund charmingly, who had made his way over with Caspian, "... I think a royal thank you is in order?"

"So you're aware of who I am then" the man before her responded, his rather handsome mouth quirking into a small smile.

She continued her search, humming in response, "You meet know one royal you know them all."

His smile faded.

"I suppose you know stealing from this island counts as an act of treason against Narnia." Edmund replied  slyly before Caspian could.

She let out a low chuckle at that, "I won't be stealing anything if I can't find a decent bottle of rum in here so don't worry... who are you exactly?"

"A King of Narnia." He responded indignantly, his chest puffing out ever so slightly.

"Gracious me, they seem to be dropping out of the sky like piss out of a bucket at the moment... Ah-Ha!" She exclaimed, a true smile breaking onto her tanned face, before either of them could really process her words, "I knew there would be rum." She cradled the dusty bottle like a baby, gently in her arms.

Edmund snorted but Caspian furrowed his brow, "Whilst I am indeed grateful for your assistance, milady... these Islands do fall within the the Great Eastern Ocean, waters of Narnia, my waters."

At this the warmth disappeared from her face, "The seas have no King," she spat, tucking the bottle into her bag, her hand disappearing amongst the folds of her overcoat, "The people here certainly haven't heard your name until today, they're just happy to be free of the slavers."

Caspian stiffened, "and before the slavers?" He questioned half mocking, with a touch of curiosity.

"For a time there was other royalty." She mused,
now flipping a dagger in her palm, as if discussing the weather.

Caspian opened his mouth to ask another question but Drinian shouted across the square, "My Lord, we must get back to the ship, the supplies have been restocked. He nodded in reply and turned back to speak to the ever mysterious woman, but she was gone.

So was the rum.


Ana stood amongst the jostling crowd, waving and cheering the Narnians goodbye.

She tipped her head back and surveyed the mighty ship, it's sails unfurling majestically, with canons at every post, the crew moving about in what appeared to be chaos but she knew was a practiced routine.
Something ached in her chest as she observed the rigging creaking the the wind.

All of a sudden a man ran after the young Prince,
"Your Majesty! My wife was taken just this morning, I beg you, take me with you?"
A little girl cried in protest, latching onto her fathers legs fiercely.
"I'm a fine sailor, been on the seas all my life" he implored, trying to calm his daughter at the same time.

She was startled by the sympathy in Caspian's eyes, and the lack of delay before he spoke again, "Of course, you must."

The little girl broke into tears despite the soothing words of her father, as he then boarded the ship alongside the last of the crew.

The crowds thronged towards the edge of the harbour and Gael found the sun in her tearful eyes had been blocked by a looming figure above.

"Look at you," a teasing silky voice came from under the large hat, "You're barely the size of a barrel, fact I dare say you'd fit into one."
And the beautiful strangers eyes flickered to the landing zone where the last of the supplies were being pulleyed up aboard the ship.
Gael gulped in realisation and determinedly looked back but the stranger had already disappeared into the crowd, leaving a quiet chuckle in her wake.

Caspian looked out across the blue waters awaiting them as the wind began to fill the canvas sails above him, "Ready to hoist the anchor, Majesty?"
He paused briefly, looking deep in thought flickering his eyes back towards the port.
"Yes Drinian" and then he paused, as movement caught his eye.

There, sat on top of a wooden beam that supported the dock's crane system, high above the bustle was his mysterious saviour, her dangling leg swinging playfully. When she noticed his gaze she stood up, one hand hugging the beam, the other sweeping her hat off in a cavalier salute as the ship slowly pulled out into deeper waters.

Caspian didn't break eye contact until he was too far away to distinguish her captivating features, dark brown curls flying in the wind, like a banner waving goodbye.

Caspian didn't break eye contact until he was too far away to distinguish her captivating features, dark brown curls flying in the wind, like a banner waving goodbye

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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