Hangtegu, uppermoon 4

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Narrator pov:

Three demons, one had wings and feat harder than diamonds, one with a staff that can strike lightning, and one with a leaf that can blow someone away like 500 miles. As the fight was about to begin sanemi got dibs on the one with a leaf, genya went with the one with wings, and the lightning one misturi had to fight, and so the fight begins.

Sanemi vs the leaf

The one with the leaf immediately blew sanemi to the flor, when he got up his nose bled a little making him pissed off. "Why you little shit! YOU WANNA SEE WIND?!" and it was at this moment that leaf demon new, he fucked up "breath of wind, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter" Sanemi dashes forward at blinding speeds and slashes continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern. Except this was what the leaf demon wanted so as he let it cut off his head he realized only his limbs were missing and sanemi appeared in-front of him with a maniacal smile, "nice try" sanemi picked up his huge leaf and blew it at him and he went flying. Sanemi stared at the leaf and was like daaaamn son. But the demon immediately came back.

Misturi vs the lightning demon

Misturi avoiding the strikes until one was too close to her, she would've fell off the platform if she hadn't jumped back and landed so close to the demon "breath of love Second Form: Love Pangs" The user unleashes multiple powerful whip slashes around themselves. The demon barely dodged it but he lost most of his limbs but they regrew in a blink of an eye. "My heart will never have any room for monsters like you" mitsuri said as she continued. But suddenly she got struck by lightning, she coughed up a bit of blood "begone you nuisance" the demon said, then in a moments notice his hand that was holding the lightning staff got cut off  "breath of love First Form: Shivers of First Love" The user dashes forward with a series of extended whip slashes that winds around and through the target. Mitsuri grabbed the staff and stabbed it through the mouth of the demon and through his body as he was constantly being hit by his own lightning.

Genya vs the winged demon

Genya shot the bird demon at first but his nichirin bullets didn't pierce through his feat that looked like a birds feat. The bird demon then grabbed genya's shoulders and they were gripping on his shoulders till they bled and he began flying up "I don't need to keep a false demon like you alive!" The winged demon said. Sanemi saw this then he saw the demon tried to reach for his leaf but "breath of wind, Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind" Sanemi lifts the sword upwards towards the right, above their head and unleashes four vertical slashes at once down on the enemy resembling claws. He cut the demon in half then rushed to genya. Misturi saw this as well "breath of love, Third Form: Catlove Shower" Mitsuri leaps and unleashes a series of ranged arced attacks in quick succession. She cut the demons legs off and sanemi caught genya. As the three demons were now together now was there chance, mitsuri and sanemi charged in "breath of love, First Form: Shivers of First Love" "breath of wind, Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist" Sanemi rotates their body in an uppercut movement, creating a tornado of slashes. And together they chopped the three demons heads off. Until the demon emerged, the strongest clone.

He didn't even speak and attacked with his blood demon art "Wood manipulation" He can manipulate the wood from the flora in his surroundings and conjure wooden dragons to attack his opponents by beating on the five drums attached to his back to control the dragons. As the wood around them had dragon heads and began charging at the two hashiras. Luckily genya, sanemi and mitsuri were fighting off the wood things. "Misturi, get to the demon ill clear a path!" Sanemi said as she just nodded "breath of the wind, first form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter" Sanemi dashes forward at blinding speeds and slashes continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern. Destroying the wooden dragons but the wooden dragons bit sanemi at the waist and lifted him up injuring him bad. But misturi had to reach him, another dragon was about to eat her head off till it got shot by genya allowing her to reach uppermoon 4, "THATS ENOUGH! breath of love, Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw" Mitsuri somersaults backwards through the air creating a long whip-like string of attacks. And before the demon could even react his head fell off. All the wooden dragons were disappearing, sanemi was severely injured though, genya's wounds were healing too slowly. And they saw the final form, he was on the run, mitsuri reached out decapitating hantegu only for him to keep running, genya sensed the real body inside the demons lungs. Genya shot the kung and it actually decapitated the true form.

After all that they needed to rest until the crow came and began talking "CAW CAW! muzan! Muzan located! The moon pillar Kamado Tanjiro is fighting him!" They all began to panic, and that was when they had to rush to tanjiro's location.

Next fight, obanai, Rengoku, Giyuu vs akaza
To be continued

This chapter sucked, because hantegu and gyokko's blood demon art was shit and difficult for me to write. And ive been so busy today im so sorry!! Don't worry ill try to make it up to you with tomorrow's fight scene!

Taisho secret 1: i hate this chapter
Taisho secret 2: muzan's fight is gonna be impossible for me to write but ill try
Taisho secret 3: because of my dumbass leaving most of the uppermoons alive its been difficult

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